
IFC4RV: IfcSystem - Duct Systems

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-08-06

    Looks like you're right - I will let the dev know.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer


    2 additional questions:
    1) Is it more handy to keep posting issues on Sourceforge, or is it better to post new issues on Github? Since I recently migrated to R2019, I will have to do some re-testing I suppose.
    2) Actually this is more a kind of request: would it be possible to consider to introduce IfcBuildingSystem and IfcDistributionSystem?


  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-08-07

    1.Github is where we are gradually moving, so I’d say create new threads over there.
    2.I think that is in the plans, but if not I will add it.

  • wsolihin

    wsolihin - 2018-08-09

    The issue of Duct system not exported is a little complicated due to the change in IFC4 that only allows Port to Element relationship for IfcDistributionElement only (not including IfcBuildingElementProxy). Also the IfcRelConnectsPortToElement is not supported in IFC4RV and therefore, the connection is skippedIn IFC4 . Unfortunately the System is built when it processes the connection. That explains why the Duct System is not exported in IFC4RV.

    In IFC4, it it recommended to use IfcRelNests instead of IfcRelConnectsPortToElement to represent the fixed relationship of an Element and its Ports. This involves quite some changes that was not yet done previously. This has just been changed. Now in IFC4 export, IfcRelNests will be used to represent the Element and its Ports. With this change, IFC4 export should generate systems similar to the one in IFC2x3 export (except it uses IfcRelNests). The code has been commited to master in Github.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Indeed, the IFC4RV-export generates again IfcSystems (for Duct and Piping Systems).
    (Tested with R2019 and the current exporter-Master-code on Github)
    For future reference it is nice to notice that these changes concerning port connection are commented in the code.

  • wsolihin

    wsolihin - 2018-08-11

    There are comments in the codes regarding the this changes in connectorExporter.cs, but it is at the beginning of the function. It could be improved by adding it directly above the affected lines

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Probably I didn't formulate my sentence correctly, because that was indeed what I noticed, and I just wanted to compliment that you already commented it very well.


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