
IFC 4 - How to map properties outside pset

  • Daniel Aase

    Daniel Aase - 2017-11-13

    I am trying to get some spesific properties out from a REvit project, using IFC 4 Reference view.
    My first try is to get this: => IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem.CRSName <= property out from the project information element.
    I then made a property called "CoordinateReferenceSystemCRSName" on this element.
    This is the way i noticed that i managed to get som other properties out. (I made a property called SiteLongName , which i then found on the site, as long name)

    I then thought that I could spesify properties this way. (i know of the mapping txt file which could be made to map revit properties to pset properties. )

    The coordinate system name does not behave this way, so i wonder how could we spesifify properties (which is not on a Pset) to spesifific paramters in the Revit Model. ?

    In short, how do I spescify the IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem in a revit model ?? ==>


  • JonM

    JonM - 2017-11-14

    Hi Daniel,

    I did some work on this for my own IFC exporter, and this could be implemented into the open source exporter. I set up some shared parameters as per below. Note I'm also doing some work on mapping revit element parameters to properties/attributes on ifc elements, but this is a different situation to that.

    Let me know if it is of interest.



    # This is a Revit shared parameter file.
    # Do not edit manually.
    META    2   1
    GROUP   1   Project
    PARAM   0eddf113-f768-4e84-8e9f-e21764fe5ec6    TargetCRS_MapZone   TEXT        1   1   Name by which the map zone, relating to the MapProjection, is identified.&#xD&#xAEXAMPLE &#xD&#xAfor UTM, the zone number, like 32 for UTM32&#xD&#xAfor Gaus-Krueger, the zones of longitudinal width, like 3'  1
    PARAM   4433c646-7797-48fa-bbc7-ac73754719db    TargetCRS_VerticalDatum TEXT        1   1   Name by which the vertical datum is identified. The vertical datum is associated with the height axis of the coordinate reference system and indicates the reference plane and fundamental point defining the origin of a height system.    1
    PARAM   702ef466-1c4b-443f-99f4-0295f0cc553a    TargetCRS_Name  TEXT        1   1   Name by which the coordinate reference system is identified.&#xD&#xANOTE  The name shall be taken from the list recognized by the European Petroleum Survey Group EPSG. It should then be qualified by the EPSG name space, for example as 'EPSG:5555'. 1
    PARAM   8a7a7b87-6dee-4e0f-8f88-c6a02ce63832    TargetCRS_MapProjection TEXT        1   1   Name by which the map projection is identified.&#xD&#xAEXAMPLE  map projects include:&#xD&#xAUTM&#xD&#xAGaus-Krueger    1
    PARAM   3ece74c9-58e6-412d-8f64-e679d5cc3e9e    TargetCRS_Description   TEXT        1   1   Informal description of this coordinate reference system.   1
    PARAM   24c2eadc-6c25-4b3b-9d11-c20c673ac3da    TargetCRS_GeodeticDatum TEXT        1   1   Name by which this datum is identified. The geodetic datum is associated with the coordinate reference system and indicates the shape and size of the rotation ellipsoid and this ellipsoid's connection and orientation to the actual globe/earth. 1
    PARAM   a28e7dee-474a-4cb8-bbc0-2cecd39fd1df    TargetCRS_Scale NUMBER      1   1   Scale to be used, when the units of the CRS are not identical to the units of the engineering coordinate system. If omited, the value of 1.0 is assumed.    1

    Last edit: JonM 2017-11-14

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