

  • Dirk Van Rillaer


    Just one for the weekend :-)
    Unfortunately another issue concerning basic definition attribute related stuff.
    Next to the issue that not all PredefinedTypes are currently correctly exported, there is also an issue in particular with the correct use of PredefinedType = USERDEFINED.
    At the moment the exporter allows that there is not a value set as OjectType (for the EntityClass) or as ElementType (for the TypeClass): in other terms, the exporter is now allowing an output with "$", which is not correctly according to the IFC4 schema in the case that PredefinedType = USERDEFINED. Setting a value in that case is not optional.

    Would it be an idea that the exporter will put a default value as ObjectType and ElementType if the PredefinedType is set on USERDEFINED?
    So at least the output is valid according the IFC4 schema, and one has still the option to use "IfcObjectType" and "IfcElementType" to override that default value? (because that's basically the whole point that you set your own value in case you choose the PredefinedType = USERDEFINED)

    5 ObjectType ... In particular it holds the user defined type, if the enumeration of the attribute PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED.
    9 ElementType ... In particular it holds the user defined type, if the enumeration of the attribute 'PredefinedType' is set to USERDEFINED.


    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-07-06
  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-08-24

    Got it - I think that makes sense. Sorry it took so long to respond, it's been on my todo list for a while.


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