
IFC import creates levels on it's own

Sal Jurien
  • Sal Jurien

    Sal Jurien - 2019-11-21


    Regarding the topic mentioned in the topic, I can't find a solution for this problem.

    I've exported an IFC with only ONE level in it, which is also a building story.

    When I link the IFC to my revit project it automaticly generates the following levels:

    • Level 2
    • T.O. Slab
    • T.O. Footing
    • B.O. Footing

    When I open the IFC in a IFC viewer or in Revit the levels do NOT show up......

    I've checked all import / export tables and the default ifc template in the 'IFC Options'.

    Does anybody please have a solution for this frustrating problem?

    Kind regards,


  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2019-11-21

    Hi, I looked at the link you mentioned and it seems to have the answer to your issue - the levels don't come from IFC, they come from the template you use when creating the Revit file that contains the IFC you are linking in. If the template contains a bunch of levels, it will use them. Normally I'd expect them to be deleted, so I'll look into that, but in the meantime, follow the instructions in the link above and just remove all levels but Level 1.

  • Sal Jurien

    Sal Jurien - 2019-11-21

    The point is the levels are created when there is no template assigned

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2019-11-21

    If there is nothing specified there, it uses the default template.


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