
Family Types & IfcTypeProduct name mapping

Owen Sharp
  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2014-01-29


    when exporting to IFC is it possible to use only the specific Family Type name for mapping to IfcTypeProduct, rather than the entire Family name hierarchy? I had thought this was actually the default, but now trying to reproduce I cannot. I suspect I may have been getting confused with the UI checkbox 'Use family and type name for reference'

    for example using the OOTB Architecture Template exporting a wall using the family 'Basic Wall:Generic 200mm Wall' results in IfcWallType = 'Basic Wall:Generic 200mm Wall', whereas we want just 'Generic 200mm Wall'

    #84=IFCWALLTYPE('34CfS1e5vFPw3xqVEsGNS6',#1,'Basic Wall:Generic 200mm Wall',$,$,(#222,#238,#223,#224,#202),$,'99989',$,.STANDARD.);



    t: @owensharp

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2014-02-05

    Any family can have a shared parameter "NameOverride" or "IfcName" (either works) that specifies the name used in the IFC file. That said, turning off "Use family and type name for reference" should get the result you want. I'll check with a simple wall to make sure it still works properly.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2014-02-05

    OK, I verified the behavior. Regardless of the checkbox, the type object name is the full name. If the checkbox is off, the "Reference" value in the common property set doesn't prepend the family name. I could make it so that the checkbox modifies both the "reference" value and the type object name; would that make sense?

  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2014-02-06

    yes i think that makes sense

  • Eloi Coloma

    Eloi Coloma - 2015-08-02

    I'm sorry, but neither ""NameOverride" nor "IfcName" seems to work when applied as a Type Parameter. At least on 15.4.0 version

    Could you verify it, please?

    Thank ypu very much

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2015-08-02

    If you provide a simple sample file we'll take a look.

  • Eloi Coloma

    Eloi Coloma - 2015-08-03

    Here you are. Its form a clean Revit 2015 Ur8 Installation & IFC Exporter 15.5.0. It also fails.Well, It only works with the desk.

    I've even used you shared parameters file

    Thank you very much for your attention.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2015-08-04

    Hi Eloi,

    Looks like there is an IfcName set on the type - and the type's name is changed, but nto the instance name. What is your expectation?


  • Eloi Coloma

    Eloi Coloma - 2015-08-08

    Hi Angel.

    My expectation is to be able to override the IfcTypeProduct Name of each Revit Type Definition. For example, I would like that Generic Wall - 200 will be shown as "Overriden Type Name" in the Solibri's "Component Hierarcly Browser" .which is the same that is shown in the Identification Pannel

    This will alow us to map each own team taxonomy to a common one shared by all the teams.


  • Arjan Peeters

    Arjan Peeters - 2016-04-26

    Hi Angel,

    Is still actual? My question is, why do system families have the system family in front of the type name and other families do not?
    example: Floors get "floor:type name"
    but a door is named "type name"

    Thanks in advance

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-04-26

    System families aren't really families - they are "fake" containers for similar types of objects (which is why you can't edit them, etc.) Probably the code that checks for the name of the type misses that fact for system families. We'll have to take a look.

  • Arjan Peeters

    Arjan Peeters - 2016-04-28

    Would be nice. Here in Holland, a lot of protocols state that you have to use the first 2 numbers of the NL-SfB classification in front of the name. So for a interior wall this would be 22_InteriorWallType_100mm. But the exporter makes it Basic Wall:22_InteriorWallType_100mm. i know i can override with IfcName or NameOverride, but it's extra work.

  • Simon Weel

    Simon Weel - 2018-02-12

    In Revit 2017, with the latest IFC Exporter, the 'name' property still lists as FamilyName:TypeName. As TS, we also expected the checkmark for 'Use family and type name for reference' to either combine the two (checked) or split them (off).


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