
IFC link general error

Morten M
  • Morten M

    Morten M - 2016-04-21


    we have about 2GB of IFC-links (40+ files) that needs daily refresh. In order to avoid that users need to wait for these updates to process (about 5 hours) in their individual Revit sessions, we have collected them all in 2 different Revit files scipted to open during night. This works brilliantly for all but two IFC links. For these models we get this error message in the log:

    General ERROR: Starting a new transaction is not permitted. It could be because another transaction already started and has not been completed yet, or the document is in a state in which it cannot start a new transaction (e.g. during failure handling or a read-only mode, which could be either permanent or temporary).

    It will process 0 elements. What is weird is that when opened manually all elements are generated (2,4 mill. entities processed and 40.000 objects created) with no fuzz. We use the latest exporter for IFC and RTV Xporter Pro for scripted opening (blank export) of the Revit models.

    Any ideas to solve this problem? Thanks!


    Last edit: Morten M 2016-04-21
  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-04-22

    That's very odd, especially that it only affects two of them, and only via the script. What happens if you put these two files into their own Revit file?

  • Morten M

    Morten M - 2016-04-27

    We have now done some testing and it seems like it affects several links. We've tried putting the two originally problematic models into a single file, and one generates fine while the other processes all entities but just creates a fraction of the elements. When removing the link and reinserting it manually it creates just fine. What is weird is that the file size is about the same (104 vs 110MB) even though the difference in created elements was something like 1500 vs 17000.

    It looks like putting the links in separate models will solve the problem. Now I just hope I won't need to time the scripting of 20-30 models for daily updates :-O

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-04-27

    I wonder if there's something odd going on with your script. It seems very odd to me that everything works interactively but fails for your script.

    A few thoughts:

    1. Are there variables that should be cleared between operations that aren't being cleared?
    2. Are you sure all of the transactions are set up properly?

    It's hard to diagnose without looking of course!


  • Morten M

    Morten M - 2016-04-27

    The export script is there basically just to open the models and close them, so that the links will reload. The export settings are just standard NWC-exports, which work fine for a lot of other models. I have attached two rvt-files here with the ifc links inserted. I've also scheduled a system reboot between these two files. The script is pretty basic XML from RTV Tools – don't know if they leave variables without clearing them:

    <Filename>T:\72101_BIM\T\AA1-20\99-Hjelpefiler\04-RVT\01_RIB EntrepriseLink\RIB_IFC_links_T2.rvt</Filename>
    <ViewType>3D Views</ViewType>

  • Morten M

    Morten M - 2016-05-10

    We see this error occurring more and more often now. It really makes it hard for us to update the links as a background task and people in the team have to start their morning converting IFCs waiting up to 45 mins to open their local model.

    Splitting the links into 45 individual files that need scripted opening is not a path I want go down, so any ideas are much appreciated :-)

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-05-11

    Hi Morten,

    That's very strange that it works interactively but not via script. Is RTV tools processing your scripts? Do they have anything to say about it? Waiting 45 minutes in the morning is clearly not ideal!



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