
WallSweep as IfcProjectionElement

  • Truels Wissneth

    Truels Wissneth - 2018-06-22

    So far I've not been able to export WallSweeps as IfcProjectionElement in IFC4DTV v18.4, either from IFC Settings or while adding a IfcExportAs parameter. Any particular reason?

    A generic model will not export as IfcProjectionElement, either, but that's perhaps supposed to behave like this as long as the solid is not attached to another solid?

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-06-22

    So it does work in IFC2x3? Or not there either?

    • Truels Wissneth

      Truels Wissneth - 2018-06-22

      Sadly, it doesn't...

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-25

    IfcProjectionElement support just hasn't been added yet. I'll check to see if it is part of RV, so that we add it sooner.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    As far as I notice Wall Sweeps, Slab Edges, Roof Fascias are still only exportable as IfcBuildingElementProxy (in whatever IFC version). Is there a solution to get them exported as something other than a proxy?


    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-06-25
    • Peter Tranberg

      Peter Tranberg - 2018-10-03

      I have the same qustion... Is there a solution to export Wall Sweeps, Slab Edges, Roof Fascias, Roof Gutter to a specific Ifc Class?

      • Dirk Van Rillaer

        I think a lot of people would already be happy if at least
        Wall Sweeps are exportable as IfcWall, Slab Edges as IfcSlab and Roof Fascias and Roof Gutter as IfcRoof.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-25

    IfcProjectionElement is only for IFC4 DTV. We'll get to that after RV.


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