Hope this is of any help for testing purposes.

Since the exporter v18.4 is supporting and exporting all EntityClasses of IfcElement and IfcSpatialElement, I isolated just the few with an issue.

"Part1.ifc" is IFC4RV. Although not all PredefinedTypes were correctly exported, I manually corrected them with Notedpad: so this "Part1" is more intended for testing a Viewer (such as BIM Vision, which is in the current beta version also supporting them all!).
But I also attached "Part1_ori.ifc": with the use of "compare" in Notepad++, all the changes of PredefinedTypes are easily traced.

"Part2.ifc" is IFC4DTV, and is exported with 18.1: knowing that since 18.3 the code is heavily reworked, it is just to show that in 18.1 it was possible to get the IfcBeam and the ModelText of a few EntityClasses exported.
Concering the ModelText: I can't get it figured out what the common relation is between IfcCovering/IfcFooting/IfcPile/IfcRamp/IfcRoof/IfcSlab/IfcStair/IfcWall

The Entities of Part2 are in the attached rvt.



Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-07-01