
Multiple same shared parameters in the shared parameter file and in my project

  • Robert Klempau

    Robert Klempau - 2021-05-02


    I am curious about how Revit handles shared parameters in the generated shared parameter file.
    If I link an IFC file, created from Revit, into another Revit project, I see that Revit creates a shared parameter file.
    In that file and in Revit I see the same parameter been generated several times. Same parameter with different GUIDS.
    For example several times IfcExportAs or IfcExternal.
    That results in multiple same parameters in my Revit project.

    Question 1:
    Why is Revit creating multiple shared parameters from an IFC file. Why is Revit not examine if a shared parameter already exists in the generated parameter file.

    Question 2:
    Is there a way by which I can determine myself which GUID I use for a parameter when converting from IFC to Revit.
    For example, by indicating in the import options in Revit which shared parameter the IFC importer should use.
    So if I indicate that the importer must first look in this shared parameter file if the parameter to be exported is already there before exporting it in a separate file.

    Kind Regards,

  • Jose De Jesus

    Jose De Jesus - 2021-05-02

    hello very good questions. i dont know why the changes in guid is very cumbersome for me too.
    i think this might be somehow connected with the fact that other applications write ifcs differently...but i am not sure. i have noticed that when an ifc is loaded into navisworks a sharedparameter file is created too. why i dont know? it for revit? why is this so? regards


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