
ifc export - multiple building levels at the same elevation - ifc-file has all elements on same level

An Feh
  • An Feh

    An Feh - 2021-03-19

    I have multiple building levels at the same elevation(, due to changes that may come I need it as flexible as possible). I have one element on level Ebene_0, some elements in the south are eg. on the level +00_1AL_BH_S1 and some elements in the north are on +00_1AL_BH_N1. When I export the ifcfile all elements are on Ebene_0. I double checked and my elements have the right base level as seen in the pdf.

    I can't meet the requirements of our ifc-structure like this and when we import the file to Allplan the elements are located on the wrong drawing file, which causes a lot of problems.

    I've tried all different kind of settings in Revit. I've tried the viewers (Desite, Solibri, Navisworks) all show the same phenomenon. Anybody an idea how to solve it? How does Revit choose the export level?
    I only can solve it, when I change the elevation of the level to +0,0001 or -0,0001.
    I've tried to overwrite the IFCParameter, but it doesn't work for levels at the same elevation.

    I am a bit desperate :-/

    I export to ifc2x3 (Allplan cant import ifc4)

    Appreciate any idea! Thank you very much!


  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2021-03-23

    Hello An,
    It's true, Revit exports to the first level of an elevation that it comes to. One thing you might be able to do is to add a shared parameter to the elements referring to the "proper" level name, export to IFC and then use those parameter values to sort them out on the receiving application.

    • An Feh

      An Feh - 2021-03-25

      Thank you for sharing your idea.

      Unfortunately Allplan imports the ifc using the "proper" level :-/

      I keep on searching to solve this :)

  • Jose De Jesus

    Jose De Jesus - 2021-03-24

    Hi An Feh

    I think you could do the following:

    Try to create separate IFCs using different 3D Views. Try to export the different buildings using different 3D Views.

    Try to use Worksets on the different Buildings as well. Don’t exaggerate the use of worksets but it may help.

    You could do the following too:

    Copy the Revit file and delete all the geometry. Yes, all of it. But please leave the levels. Place a 3D annotation on every story level.
    I mean we know that only story levels are important for ifc. Right? Now you have a revitfile which is good for tests.
    Now with this file export to ifc trying different approaches, i mean using 3D Views, using worksets and so on. This may help you understand better your situation.

    I would check that the borders of the story levels don’t overlap within different buildings.!

    If you encounter troubles separating the buildings in revit , within revit logic, I mean using revit logic....then you will have troubles in ifc anyway. So... I keep it simple and easy and understandable.

    What you could do too is to try and edit your IFC files with tools like simplebim, merging or deleting stuff. Although be careful with that.

    Regards Jose

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2021-03-24

    Hello An,
    Actually one of the developers says this is possible in this way:
    assign the desired level name to parameter IfcSpatialContainer. This can also be used to assign the container to "IFCSITE" and "IFCBUILDING". IfcSite can be useful to assign IfcSite as container to objects outside the buildings (e.g. on the site). SO the valid values are: "IFCSITE", "IFCBUILDING", or any Level name (e.g. "Level 1", "Level 2")

  • An Feh

    An Feh - 2021-03-25

    Hi Jose,
    hi Andy,

    thank you very much for your help.

    @Jose I will try the different approaches and give feedback

    @aparrella You can overwrite levels with IfcSpatialContainer, but unfortunately not, if you have two or more levels at the same elevation. With two or more levels at the same elevation, revit simply ignores IfcSpatialContainer.


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