
Missing Color in IFC 4 Reference View

  • Alexander Schleicher

    Hello together,

    I have problems with the colors of walls when exporting an IFC 4 file with the MVD Reference View (Architecture). I use the exporter with version

    As soon as a door or window is placed in the wall, no color is assigned to the element. Tested with FZK viewer and bimCollab Zoom.

    Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong or is there an error in the exporter?

    Attached are a few screenshots and the corresponding (German) Revit file.

    PS: I'm not sure if I should post my contribution here or on GitHub. Are both platforms maintained?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2021-04-13

    For newer issues, better GitHub. This is maintained mostly for archival reasons.


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