

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2022-01-25
    • Joao Carolino

      Joao Carolino - 2022-01-26

      Hi @angelvelezsosa thank you for your answer.
      That link is known to me, nevertheless I took another chance to read it and according to it:
      IfcWindowStyle.OperationType: This is populated by the window built-in parameter WINDOW_OPERATION_TYPE ("Operation" in the ENU version of Revit).

      I get the following results when populating the Operation built-in Revit parameter:

      Revit .ifc file
      TriplePanelVertical TRIPLE_PANEL_VERTICAL
      TriplePanelVertical.TiltAndTurnLeftHand NOTDEFINED
      TiltAndTurnLeftHand NOTDEFINED

      Inside the .ifc file I can only find IfcWindowLiningProperties and IfcWindowStyle. but no IfcWindowPanelProperties

      According to the buildingsmart Ifc 2x3 documentation for IfcWindowPanelProperties : "(…)The way of operation is defined in the operation type.". I just can conclude that I am not populating the Operation builtin Revit parameter with the right syntax.
      I also tried to add a project parameter IfcOperationType and assign the the values above but the result was the same.
      What am I missing here?

      It is also worth mentioning that the revit element is of Door category which is being exported as IfcWindow through the parameter IfcExportAs.
      Revit Ifc exporter version is

      Thank you for your time.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2022-01-26

    IfcWindowPanelOperation contains TiltAndTurnLeftHand.

    "PanelDepth", "PanelWidth", "PanelOperation", "PanelPosition" are the shared parameters that cover Panel properties.

    • Joao Carolino

      Joao Carolino - 2022-01-26

      Unfortunately I cannot make it work... Attached I send you some more info with also the .ifc file. Maybe I am not checking it correctly


      Last edit: Joao Carolino 2022-01-26
  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2022-01-26

    OK, I think I see the issue. IFCWINDOWPANELPROPERTIES requires a PanelPosition. So you need to also specify that.

    • Joao Carolino

      Joao Carolino - 2022-01-26

      Also specified as an instance parameter and no output in IFC :/


      Last edit: Joao Carolino 2022-01-26
  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2022-01-26

    You need PanelPosition AND PanelOperation, both. Can you show that?

    • Joao Carolino

      Joao Carolino - 2022-01-27

      I did understand that from your previous post. I added PanelPosition as a Revit Instance parameter (IP) since the same family type can be at different positions within the frame.
      I also made a test with PanelPosition as a type parameter and the result was the same. No output.

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2022-03-22

    Hi Joao, sorry for the delay. If you still have it, could you send a simple model with the door/window family? I want to make sure I reproduce it accurately. Thanks.

    • Joao Carolino

      Joao Carolino - 2022-03-24

      Hi @aparrella no problem and thank you for reaching out.
      I cannot find the original file, but I tried to reproduce the issue and I still don't get the values I am searching for. PanelPosition and PanelOperation exist in the family, the parameters are populated but the IFC doesn't output any IfcWindowPanelProperties

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2022-03-25

    Hi -
    I added instance parameters for each of the panels - now this exports window panel properties like this::


  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2022-03-25

    Hi -
    I added instance parameters for each of the panels - now this exports window panel properties like this::


    • Joao Carolino

      Joao Carolino - 2022-04-06

      Thanks for the feedback @aparrella.
      Now that I have some time I can get back to the subject.

      The family configuration is the following:

      • Hostfamily (Window revit category) – PanelPosition1 and PanelOperation1 export as expected

      • Nested families (3 x Door revit category – the infills). IfcExportAs = IfcWindow . Here the same parameters don’t work. Why is that? I thought that when exporting an object to a specific IFC entity through IfcExportAs, the object would be able to show the same properties inherent to that IFC entity (in this case the IfcWindowPanelProperties). I guess I was wrong...

      I was hoping to assign the properties directly to the nested families so that the information can be extracted from each infill and not from the general frame.


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