Vahid - 2020-03-25

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to retrieve an Ifcdoor local coordination system from an ifc file exported from Revit 2018 (with Revit Ifc exporter v.

I'm trying to indicate if a door opens in a specific space or not using ifcopenshell. For this purpose, I'm trying to get access to local coordination system for every door in an Ifc file. (so the Y axis will show the opening direction of the door)

The problem is that the local coordination system for doors are not correct.
As you can see in this picture:![(], this door local Y axis should be like (0, -1, 0) to show the correct opening direction, but it is (0, 1, 0) instead. The local placement of the door in ifc file is: ![(]

Can anyone help me with this problem? Am I doing something wrong?
Any idea would be a great help for me. Thank you in advance.