
Pset Common mapping - Reference

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-04-28

    we will check that. v18.4 has much more rigorous testing.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    I just hope that I'm not too much a pain in ...
    (completely off topic) IfcAsset would be a nice addition :-)

    A temporary solution at the moment is to add a Reference parameter = {$this("IfcObjectType")}
    It does the job at the moment, except for Generic Models, Railings, Structural Area Reinforcement.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Misusing this topic,
    just to add that it seems that also the automatic mapping of "Function" to IsExternal in the Pset_XxxCommon isn't working anymore (for Walls and Floors).

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-04-30

    Thanks for all of the detailed checking!

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-04-30

    Good catch. We added some code to automatically generate property set lists - the calculator needed to change names from ExternalCalculator to IsExternalCalculator. Amazing how much trouble 2 missing characters can cause!

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    I appreciate very much your willingness to make all these improvements or corrections.
    Version 18.4 is really something to look forward to, but I understand that testing will need its time before it can be released.
    Some wellknown viewers aren't making it easy to evaluate or test the export results, since they have their own rarities (or bugs or issues). In many cases only notepad++ will clear things out.

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-06-18

    Checking back in - looks like the issue at the top of this thread is fixed in the 18.4 exporter.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Andy,

    Yes, but no (hm, it sounds a bit like Vicky Pollard)


    IFC4RV1: indeed for IfcSpace its fixed that the objecttype can be mapped again to the reference in the Pset_SpaceCommon. But it seems that this mapping is automatically done by the exporter, even when the 'mapping' is unchecked.
    But in the sample as posted, I don't see it working for IfcWall. Even if I add a generic model with IfcExportAs=IfcWall, it's not doing anything at all.
    I tried a lot of the other entities ... with no luck

    IFC2x3CV2: for IfcSpace the mapping seems not to work (and also not for other entities)

    So, I'm very in doubt that it is fixed... but of course I could overlooked something.


  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Andy,

    I retested it with R2018 (18.4) and R2019 (19.1) for IFC2x3CV2 and IFC4RV1:
    the mapping is indeed fixed!

    I discovered an issue in my mapping file.
    While the custom mapping file allows multiple mappings to the same parameter (where the first match is exported), this isn't allowed (anymore?) in the mapping file for common parameters.



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