
Exporting material informations with building elements

  • Alessandro Bianchi

    I'm doing some trial export from Revit (I'm currently using Revit 2015) to IFC using your exporter (version
    I opened the ifc files with a couple of freeware BIM Viewers (Solibri Model Viewer and Tekla BIM Sight) and I've noticed that, apparently, it is not possible to export any information of the material associated to a certain Revit family (except the name of the material itself).

    For example: I'd like to export, with Revit objects, also the info associated with the "Comments" and "Mark" built-in parameters, contained in the "Identity" tab in the Material Browser, of the material associated to those objects.
    In addition, I'd also like to export other standard parameters commonly available in the Material Takeoff Schedules, as "Material: Area" and "Material: Volume".
    I've tried to export the schedules containing those parameters (using the "Export schedules as property sets" option); the schedules are exported, but all the Material parameters are missing.

    There is some way to include those parameters or it's still impossible at the moment?

    I'm still a beginner in exporting to IFC, sorry if am not explaining the issue properly...
    Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated!



  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2015-11-10

    Hello Alessandro,

    You are correct that we don't yet export the material parameters with the material. It is "impossible" using the current exporter, although it could be locally modified (and some have) to export these properties. Regardless, we will add your request to our backlog of IFC requests.


  • Alessandro Bianchi

    I see. Thanks a lot for your answer.
    Just to be sure I understood: the local modification of the exporter you are talking about would require custom code writing, isn'it?

    One last question: when you consider and solve one of the requests in your backlog, do you inform by publishing the news somewhere on this site? Where can I check to control if my request has been processed?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2015-11-10


    Yes, you understand correctly: currently it would require coding.

    When we do an update to the open source, we generate a log file and post it in the forums here. There you can see what has been done since the last update. We should have a new update in the next few weeks.


  • Arjan Peeters

    Arjan Peeters - 2016-07-21

    Any update on this?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-07-25

    This is still in the backlog.

  • stefkeB

    stefkeB - 2017-10-27

    Any new info? We are working to standardize BIM usage and having all these material properties which don't get exported to IFC is quite a limitation.

  • gregorio saura

    gregorio saura - 2017-12-05

    Hi , we are very limited about that too, any news??

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2017-12-08

    Nothing new to report.

  • Arghavan.A

    Arghavan.A - 2017-12-17

    I have read in many otherwebsites that thermal properties of materials are not being exported by Revit to IFC. So, if Revit cannot export materials' thermal properties, how we can modify our IFC file to include these properties? What are the best practices?


  • Daniel Petrin Bertini

    I'm in the same situation.
    Anyone found the solution?
    Transfer parameter of material to a wall for example.

  • Mileta Pejovic

    Mileta Pejovic - 2019-01-26

    The same question here. It's been a while since material properties export issue is noted.
    Any news on this? Anyone made some custom modification to the code in order to get some material properties exported?
    Considering overall progress in the last years - it would be expected to have some material information (except name) exported into ifc files...

  • Mileta Pejovic

    Mileta Pejovic - 2019-01-26

    Last edit: Mileta Pejovic 2019-01-26
  • Mauro Cattaneo

    Mauro Cattaneo - 2019-04-03

    Yes, same problem from years...
    Angel, do you confirm that at the moment it's still impossible to export material properties in IFC? It's still a code issue? there is not a workaround to solve the problem?


  • Adrian Bałazy

    Adrian Bałazy - 2019-06-26

    Also waiting for that feature

  • Mieszko

    Mieszko - 2019-12-17

    Any updates on the topic?

  • Mileta Pejovic

    Mileta Pejovic - 2022-05-20

    Any update on this topic now? It's been a while, is there any progress or roadmaps for this?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2022-05-20

    It has finally made it to our public roadmap:

  • Laura Resta

    Laura Resta - 2022-08-03

    I am very interested in this topic. Does that mean that it will be in the next updates? in which version of Revit? Do you know more or less when?

  • lucas fukuda

    lucas fukuda - 2023-07-25

    2023 and still this issue... almost a decade

  • Teun

    Teun - 2023-08-21

    The sourceforge forum is not up to date anymore.
    On the Github site you can find this
    The biggest problem is still that BuildingSmart's MVD doesn't approve it.
    Especially for IFC2x3. That was the main MVD when starting this question.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2023-08-29

    Correct, we export material properties but not for IFC2x3 CV 2.0 because that disallows it.

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