
Problems with exporting Nested Wall Sweeps in a Wall Type

  • Teun

    Teun - 2016-09-15

    In Revit you can add a "Wall Sweep" directly in a Wall Type. You can add a Profile, specific Material, position and "cuttabilty". You cannot add a subcategory. And this "Wall Sweep" is not a Type on its own. Still this is a nice option in Revit in some occasions.

    While exporting these Walls with Nested Sweeps to IFC I had some problems.
    The Material is not exported correctly - it uses a material of the Wall itself.
    And just as in Revit I’ am not able to Schedule or grab these nested "Wall Sweeps".
    Only a Material Takeoff with Parts gave some results.

    Can somebody help me with these problems.
    Because I'd rather not draw these nested "Wall Sweeps" outside of the Wall.
    This is a native Revit function and I like to see it work on export to IFC as expected.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-09-15

    Can you include a sample file please?

  • Teun

    Teun - 2016-09-20

    It took so time to react because while buidling a sample file it appears to be not so stable as I thought.
    The good thing is that is does work (in a way) while exporting the whole model.
    It only doesn't work while exporting using a "crop" and only exporting things visible
    (that's what I did in the first place).
    While exporting the whole model the sweep doensn't seem to cut the Wall as expected.
    So there will be a Clash and double counting.
    And there also seem to be some difficulties with a Rectangular Straight Wall Opening.
    I'll send you the Revit file if you want.


    Last edit: Teun 2016-09-20
  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2016-09-21

    Yes, please, any problems you have, send a (small) model and we'll check it out.

  • Teun

    Teun - 2016-09-22

    Hi Angel I just sent you the Revit sample file. Hope this will help.

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2016-10-13

    Regarding the sweep material, I see what you're talking about- the sweep itself is getting a geometry color and not its own material. Meanwhile the sweep does have its own material in Revit. I will file an issue for us to figure out why.

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2016-10-13

    I don't know if this helps you at all, but maybe you could model those sweeps as another wall in the stacked wall system.

  • Troels Olsen

    Troels Olsen - 2017-10-31

    Just ran into this.

    I have a wall, with sweeps embedded. The wall contains info on export, but the sweeps exports to IfcBuildingElementProxy, does not contain any info or any relations to the wall! So I have no real control over this element. I'd expect that the sweeps embedded inside the construction, be a part of the wall, not export as individual elements (even without any relations, information etc).
    A reveal embedded into the wall, does cut and is related to the wall.

    Another sweep is applied as a regular sweep. This sweep also exports as a IfcBuildingElementProxy, even though that I have tried setting both a subcategory and a IfcExportAs parameter to IfcWall.
    Here I would expect that the sweep exported to the set IfcExportAs parameter..

    Stacked walls are not really that usefull for us, as they cannot have instance shared parameters.


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