
Structural framing profile error - 18.4 v 18.2

Owen Sharp
  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2018-10-02


    We've encountered an issue with circular profiled structural framing members being exported with incorrect geometry from the 18.4 version of the exporter - same elements exported using 18.2 are OK.

    Essentially the interior of the tube looks to be inverted to a square extrusion, and what should be the exterior of the tube is then subtracted - samples and screenshot can be downloaded from:

  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2018-10-02

    error seems to have been introduced with the 18.3.2 update .. see link for tests from 18.3 thru 18.4:

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-10-02

    Passed on to the developers to investigate.

  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2018-10-03

    Thanks Angel

  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2018-11-02

    Hi Angel - just wondering if your team has been able to identify the issue yet?


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