
IfcElementAssembly level association

  • Dirk Van Rillaer


    Is there any particular reason why an Assembly (and the elements within the Assembly) always is associated with the lowest level in the model?
    If I create in Revit an Assembly on Level 2, with elements on level 2, then the IfcElementAssembly (and the decomposed elements) are associated with Level1 in IFC...

    Best regards,

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2016-10-14

    Hi Dirk,
    You're right, that's what happens. We have an item to fix this.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Any chance this will be fixed soon?
    Best regards,

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Would a temporary fix with a parameter as "LevelOverride" or "LevelExportAs" be a possibility?
    The only accepted values for this parameter should be the Name values of (Ifc)BuildingStoreys.

    Best Regards,

  • Daniel Aase

    Daniel Aase - 2018-11-08

    Have this issue been solved ? I can't see other than it still exports on base level.. ? Any workarounds ?

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    It's not yet fixed, but there is a workaround, since Wawan Solihin recently added the functionality to override the level.

  • Ville Kantelinen

    I am also struggling with this and believe I have asked this fix also a few years ago. Could you please specify the correct workaround as I have not managed to get it work so far? I have tried to create ifc parameters "LevelOverride" and "LevelExportAs" as suggested for assemblies in Revit and named them after existing higher levels in my project, but the assemblies still get assigned to lowest possible level in ifc. I have the latest exporter. I have tried with both instance and type parameters.

    How do I override the level for assemblies?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-12-10

    A partial solution is currently in beta in GitHub - please see the issues board there. Basically, there will be an IfcSpatialContainer shared parameter that will allow overriding the level. But it is only a text parameter, so it will not be associative if you change level names. Again, this will be a partial fix only.

  • Ville Kantelinen

    Yes, I got it working now, thank you for quick response!


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