
Structural Framing penos - discrepancy between Open IFC and Link IFC

Owen Sharp
  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2017-12-12


    We have encountered a rather troubling bug whereby openings (penos) in Structural Framing elements are wrong in an IFC that is Opened as a Revit project, whereas when Linked they are showing correctly.

    It does not seem to be a straight-forward change in position or size, but rather in this case the penos are actually being replicated from different beams - or possibly the beam itself is being replaced with another similar beam which has different openings.

    attached are 2 images; first shows the model in SMC - note that there are two beam layouts - A & B - which are repeated on alternating floors (A, B, A, B, etc). The second image shows the result of both Open and Link IFC in Revit - the Linked IFC is highlighted in red (with IfcOpenings subcategory shown in yellow)

    I can provide the IFC file in question if required (please PM me)


    owen sharp


    Last edit: Owen Sharp 2017-12-12
  • Owen Sharp

    Owen Sharp - 2017-12-12

    Sorry attachments option wasn't showing first time around - i've replaced the links with images

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2017-12-12

    Hi Owen-
    We have done a lot more recent code work for the linking case than for the open case, so it's not too surprising that there are differences in results. I'll PM you to get the IFC file so we can look at it for the Open case.


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