
Same GUID for 2 different elements

  • gregorio saura

    gregorio saura - 2021-08-12


    I have an issue with the IFC Export, when I export I get several elements with the same GUID!
    Anyone who had the same problem can tell me what to do? (Revit 2021)

    Thanks in advance

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2021-08-12

    That's Link IFC, right? Is the IFC file from Revit? What version of the open source?

  • gregorio saura

    gregorio saura - 2021-08-12

    Hi Angel,
    It's not a Link. I'm exporting with Revit 2021, Exporter IFC (v.
    I did another test, and the issue is that the IFC has different GUIDs for the elements, but the revit file doesn't change them. See the picture and IFC file attached
    thanks in advance

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2021-08-12

    A user can type in anything they want into the IfcGUID field. If it is bad (a duplicate; not an IfcGUID valid value) it is ignored. IfcGUID values are only updated in the Revit file if the export option is set to save GUIDs after export (and the file is subsequently saved). If that option is being used, and the IfcGUID isn't being updated, then I'd file that as a bug. Otherwise, this is the natural consequence of potentially bad input data/flexibility for users without extra verification checks.

  • gregorio saura

    gregorio saura - 2021-08-12

    I confirm you that the export option is set to save GUIDs , but the ifcGUID isn't being updated in the revit file.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2021-08-12

    OK, let me try that locally. Maybe it only updates empty GUIDs.

    • gregorio saura

      gregorio saura - 2021-08-12

      But it is still strange that the exporter wrote several GUIDs identical to several random elements (it is not only these 2 walls..), maybe there was a bug with an older version? ...I can also confirm that no one in the team write anything in that parameter.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2021-08-12

    Two things:
    1. Older versions of Revit did export duplicate parameters. And of course other software may also. More recent versions of Revit should not.
    2. It does not seem to overwrite the GUID if it has a value already. I'll make an item to improve that.

  • gregorio saura

    gregorio saura - 2021-08-12

    Thanks Angel. Maybe it should be an option in the exporter to overwrite the GUID?
    (Indeed, this project was started in Revit2019. So that explains the duplicates. )

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2021-08-12

    Probably makes sense to just override. In the meantime, you could probably create a script that deleted all of the IFCGuids and then export.


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