
Moving to GitHub

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-26

    We are moving our repo to GitHub with the rest of the Autodesk open source projects. We plan to move the Wiki over, but I'm not sure how to move the Discussion (so we may create a link in the Wiki to refer here). There is an Issues section in Git, so hopefully we can use that to track bugs and requests. Most of us are still fairly new with Git, so please be patient as we figure out how best to take advantage of its full potential.

  • Eddy Tick

    Eddy Tick - 2018-06-28

    Great work, only the 2019 version is on GitHub?
    When can we expect the other versions ?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-28

    We'll keep the other versions here for now. At some point we might move 2018, but there's no point in moving anything before that. We won't delete anything here of course.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Is the code of 19.1 similar to 18.4 (concerning issues with 18.4)?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-28

    Yes, it is the "same code". Of course, core 2019 has improvements (and hopefully no regressions :) ) from 2018, so I can't say it is exactly the same, and I believe that exporting steel connections is only 2019, since that is new functionality. But in general, we'll try to keep the two branches in sync. We may decide that since we are still actively improving 2018, it is just easier to have it all in one place, instead of 2018 here and 2019 there; or we might just deal with a transition year and then whenever the next release is out, be entirely on Git.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    I think some people will have the preference that also 2018 is moving to GitHub for making code contributions, since R2018 is still the currently used version for production. They are mostly only switching to the next version after the 2nd service release.
    And if I understand correctly also compiling the code is gonna made easier (topic of Emanuele?), so maybe it could help in managing the repeated question "when is the next version available", if each of us can compile it at anytime with the improvements at that particular time. ( BTW, when is ... :-) )


    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-06-28
    • JonM

      JonM - 2018-06-28

      Hi Dirk,

      Branches for different versions is one of the big reasons why I was advocating for the switch from Source Forge and github. I just created a Revit2018 branch, you should be able to work in that branch if you prefer and we can still merge changes into the master (2019) branch.

      Post if you have problems with this.



  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Jon,

    Probably I have too many blond questions about the "how to build" process, that it is better that I patiently wait until the notes are written (as now is mentionned on GitHub at the openingspage):
    "We are in the process of greatly simplifying the build progress. We will add notes shortly once this work is complete."

    The tips on the Sourceforge-page are a little bit to cryptic for me to get a fast start:

    I referred in my previous message to "some people" in the 3rd person, since I'm not (yet) a 'coding person' myself.

    I see that you entered in the Branch Revit2018 some commits/fixes (I still have to learn to use the correct terms). After these commits are verified/approved, it would be nice if I would be able to compile it myself and can continue testing in Revit (but as you probably figured out in my first line, I currently don't have a clue on how to do that). Not only for testing purposes this would be helpfull, but I could imagine that also for some firms it would make the update cycle of the exporter easier.


  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-29

    My understanding at the moment is that Jon made changes so that downloading the code and using Visual Studio 2015 should have it just "work". I'll work with him to update the README to reflect that (or the reality...)

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-29

    Note that you can also download the code and build at any time a version that might be ahead of the last released installer. However, we will note which are the 'stable" versions that end up in the AppStore, keeping in mind that any code that isn't corresponding to a stable version (1) won't be digitally signed and (2) won't have gone through Autodesk QA.


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