
Mapping table Revit Categories and IfcExportAs

Simon Weel
  • Simon Weel

    Simon Weel - 2018-06-21

    I've been searching for a Mapping table Revit Categories and IfcExportAs. I.e. I want to know which value for IfcExportAs I have to fill in for a given Revit Category. Anybody?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-21

    What are you trying to map?

  • Simon Weel

    Simon Weel - 2018-06-25

    A text map :) One that says: for Revit Category 'Wall' you need to set the value of the 'IfcExportAs' parameter to 'IfcWall'. This is mostly used with Generic Models, when there's no way to set the Family Category to a Revit Category. Stairs are a good example - most of the time they are modeled as a Generic Model, since Revit doesn't offer a Loadable Stairs Family. But they have to be exported to IFC as a Stair.

    I already created that map, see attachment, but it's not complete...

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-25

    Which of your mapped items are NOT the default provided with Revit?

  • Teun

    Teun - 2018-06-25

    Not sure where you are exactly looking for.
    But do check the File/Export/Options/IFC options in Revit. There you will find the basic list exportlayers-ifc-AIA. This is the default mapping that Revit provides as Angel mentioned.

    Also the (Dutch) Revit Standards have mapping tables wich should be relevant for you based on the dutch list you did attach.

    If you want a limmited list of (not default) options you can try the classification mananager if that suits you.

    And if you are searching for a way to get hold of a whole project or 'package library file' based on the (Dutch) revit standards (NL-sfb classification!) and the bim basis ILS, this tool that I build should be helpfull.

    • Simon Weel

      Simon Weel - 2018-06-28

      Ah, right under my nose :)
      The 'Classification Manager' seems like a nice tool, but has to be tailored to the local (Dutch) standards. Simply don't have time for that....


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