
Export to IFC - Set sub-category to "Not Export" not working

  • Stephen Corney

    Stephen Corney - 2018-11-27


    I'm trying to export the attached family in the model to not include one of the subcategories titled "Temp Plunge Column" by setting the IFC options settings to "Not Exported" for the subcategory. This seems to ahve no affect when exporting to IFC as the subcatgory still comes through.

    Any ideas why this is not working?


  • Stephen Corney

    Stephen Corney - 2018-11-27

    other attachments of dialogs

  • Stephen Corney

    Stephen Corney - 2018-12-03

    anyone have any suggestions for the above?

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-12-04

    I see what you mean - we are exporting the subcategories when you have them turned off. This works for other categories - you can make a door slab not exported for example, and it won't go out. I will have to investigate, but I suspect it has something to do with the multiple overlapping geometries with different subcategories.

  • Stephen Corney

    Stephen Corney - 2018-12-12

    Dirk, thanks. how was the issue fixed? was there a new version released to fix the problem?

  • Stephen Corney

    Stephen Corney - 2019-01-16

    Hi Dirk, Thanks. I should have said the model is actually in 2018, can the 2018 version be updated as a beta?

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Stephen,
    I'm afraid I can't answer that question because I don't have any programming skills, and the code on Github is mainly focussed on the IFC exporter for R2019 (which has BTW a lot of improvements, not only for IFC4RV but also for IFC2x3CV2.0).
    (Of course, in theory everything is possible.)


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