
#2 Error removing V2 Tags on Wav Files "Error Allocating memory"

Wav (1)

Everytime I Try to remove all v2 tags on wav files I get the same error.

"Error Allocating memory".

1 Attachments


Report Bugs: #2


  • Rajat Kosh

    Rajat Kosh - 2014-04-15

    remove all tags works on only id3v2 and id3v1 tags only . But in next release this option will be there, for sure.

    • Leo Bruno AKA Leo Burns


      When i said v2 tag, i was talking about an id3 tag v2 that was saved with
      idte software.

      The problem seems to occur only with eav files.

      Em terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2014, Rajat Kosh

      remove all tags works on only id3v2 and id3v1 tags only . But in next
      release this option will be there, for sure.

      Status: open
      Milestone: Minor_Bugs
      Labels: Wav
      Created: Mon Apr 14, 2014 06:23 PM UTC by Leo Bruno
      Last Updated: Mon Apr 14, 2014 06:23 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Everytime I Try to remove all v2 tags on wav files I get the same error.

      "Error Allocating memory".

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Enviado do meu Iphone.



      Report Bugs: #2

      • Rajat Kosh

        Rajat Kosh - 2014-04-15

        well, idte saves "wav chunks" in wav files instead of id3v2
        because wav files does not alows id3v2 tags. But, In next version of IDTE WAV and all other tags removal option will be there.


        Last edit: Rajat Kosh 2014-04-17
        • Leo Bruno AKA Leo Burns

          I love IDTE !!!!

          If you don´t mind, I would like to suggest a few things .

          I´m not a very good programmer, but will send you a test application with
          some suggestions.

          Do you mind telling me what is your compiller ?

          2014-04-15 8:19 GMT-03:00 Rajat Kosh

          well idte saves "wav chunks" in wav files instead of id3v2
          also wav files does not alows id3v2 tags. But wav tag removal option wil
          be included in next ve$ion

          Status: open
          Milestone: Minor_Bugs
          Labels: Wav
          Created: Mon Apr 14, 2014 06:23 PM UTC by Leo Bruno
          Last Updated: Tue Apr 15, 2014 04:24 AM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          Everytime I Try to remove all v2 tags on wav files I get the same error.

          "Error Allocating memory".

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          "Envelhecer, qualquer animal é capaz. Desenvolver-se é prerrogativa dos
          seres humanos. Somente uns poucos reivindicam esse direito."




          Report Bugs: #2

          • Rajat Kosh

            Rajat Kosh - 2014-04-17

            Suggestions are always welcome no matter, whether you can program or not.

            IDTE windows version is build using AHK (Autohotkey) compiler and AutoIT compiler.

            Download AHK Compiler from and Autoit compiler from If you have any question regarding How to Compile IDTE then, you can either Drop an Email to me at or start a new topic in "Discussion Forums".

            Thank you for your review.

            • Leo Bruno AKA Leo Burns

              Hi again ...

              Every day, more and more DJ´s are migrating from hardware only performances
              (CDJ´s) to Hybrid CDJ´s and Dj´S Software Like Traktor, ableton, recordbox,
              etc ..

              There is a problem:

              Is very difficult to efficiently find the tune that you want in that kind
              of software, if you don´t have the tags propperly filled.
              It could take a time that you can´t afford during a performance.

              So, I spent a lot of time, trying to find one. I´m very frustrated, because
              there are tons of tagging software on the web, but very few works propperly
              with wav files (saving the RIFF LIST INFO).
              Most of the software avaiable, simply saves their own tags.

              The few I managed to find, that propperly stores the information where the
              softwares I need will retreive them from, lacks the functionallity needed
              to acomplish the task. Which is a more complete FILENAME to TAG function.

              I would like to improove that.

              Here are some issues:

              1 - It´s not possible to choose other separator then " - ".
              This could be solved simply passing a char as a parameter to the function
              that splits the string into the stringlist.

              2 - If the file name contains spaces before or after the separator, the
              result substring will begin and end with an empty space.

              3 - Only one variable at time acceptable for each field.

              take the following example:

              Most DJ´s Stores their Wav Files with Filenames Like This:

              "5A - 144 - Chemical Crew - Sleeping with the Fish.WAV": (This format is
              popular among Mixed In Key Users)

              Filename explanation :

              "5A" = Keycode for Chord C minor
              "144" = Beats per Minute
              "Chemical Crew" = Artist
              "Sleeping with the fish" = Title.

              For use with traktor, I need to append the 1st block and the 4th block
              together on the "Title" tag separated by the user define string " - ".
              So, the Title tag should look like This:

              "5A - Sleeping with the fish".

              As another example of the same functionallity, I would like to append the
              2nd block with the string " BPM" on the "Comment" tag.
              The Comment Tag Should look like This:
              "144 BPM".

              4 - User defined fields. This way, the user could add information that is
              not avaiable on the filename.

              5 - Use the foldername as a parameter. The user could flag this for use as
              "Album" tag, for example.

              I have all those routines ready on Delphi (Rad Studio XE3).

              Problem is ... I don´t have the routines to retrieve and save the RIFF
              Chunks inside the wav file.

              I´ll be happy to send the routines to you, their in delphi, but the logic
              is the same...

              I´ll take some time translating them to english, because they are all in
              brasilian portugese.

              Also, need to gather them in one single project.

              I´ll assemble all routines together tomorrow and will send you a test
              project .

              If you like, I´ll be glad to send the source files ..

              Regards and thanx again ...

              2014-04-16 23:04 GMT-03:00 Rajat Kosh

              Suggestions are always welcome no matter, whether you can program or not.

              IDTE windows version is build using AHK (Autohotkey) compiler and
              AutoIT compiler.

              Download AHK Compiler from and Autoit compiler
              from If you have any question
              regarding How to Compile IDTE then, you can either Drop an Email to me at
     or start a new topic in "Discussion Forums".

              Thank you for your review.

              Status: open
              Milestone: Minor_Bugs
              Labels: Wav
              Created: Mon Apr 14, 2014 06:23 PM UTC by Leo Bruno
              Last Updated: Tue Apr 15, 2014 04:24 AM UTC
              Owner: nobody

              Everytime I Try to remove all v2 tags on wav files I get the same error.

              "Error Allocating memory".

              Sent from because you indicated interest in

              To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

              "Envelhecer, qualquer animal é capaz. Desenvolver-se é prerrogativa dos
              seres humanos. Somente uns poucos reivindicam esse direito."




              Report Bugs: #2

              • Rajat Kosh

                Rajat Kosh - 2014-04-17

                Hi, Bruno
                First of all thank you for the information.

                Secondly, In IDTE the Conversion of FILENAME-->TAG using some other character except "-" is Kind of Buggy so, this will take some time in order to setting all up, for the next version. Also, our team will try our best for achieving this in next releases however, we cannot guarantee in next version of IDTE.

                Lastly, i will be happy to check-out your code in delphi (English) and also thank you for your suggestions toward IDTE improvement.

                Also, Please start a new ticket or topic in Request Feature or Discussion section as, we this topic is deviating from the topic Error removing V2 Tags on Wav Files "Error Allocating memory"


                Last edit: Rajat Kosh 2014-04-17
                • Leo Bruno AKA Leo Burns

                  Regarding the separator :

                  function ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar;
                  Strings: TStrings): Integer;
                  Head, Tail: PChar;
                  EOS, InQuote: Boolean;
                  QuoteChar: Char;
                  Item: string;
                  Result := 0;
                  if (Content = nil) or (Content^ = #0) or (Strings = nil) then
                  Tail := Content;
                  InQuote := False;
                  QuoteChar := #0;
                  Include(WhiteSpace, #13);
                  Include(WhiteSpace, #10);

                  Include(Separators, #0);
                  Include(Separators, #13);
                  Include(Separators, #10);
                  Include(Separators, '''');
                  Include(Separators, '"');
                    while (Tail^ in WhiteSpace) do
                    Head := Tail;
                    while True do
                      while (InQuote and not ((Tail^ = #0) or (Tail^ = QuoteChar))) or
                        not (Tail^ in Separators) do
                      if (Tail^ in ['''', '"']) then
                        if (QuoteChar <> #0) and (QuoteChar = Tail^) then
                          QuoteChar := #0
                        else if QuoteChar = #0 then
                          QuoteChar := Tail^;
                        InQuote := QuoteChar <> #0;
                      end else Break;
                    EOS := Tail^ = #0;
                    if (Head <> Tail) and (Head^ <> #0) then
                      if Strings <> nil then
                        SetString(Item, Head, Tail - Head);
                  until EOS;


                  an example of use for it would be like this:

                  ExtractStrings([acharForSeparation],[' '],TheString,aStringList);

                  Then you would have a string list (an array of strings);

                  The zip file contains an executable file that was renamed in order to gmail
                  allow me to sent.

                  "SplitStringTest.rename it to executable"

                  Just rename it to exe and it should run.

                  Do you know that comments on Tagging a file from filename isn´t working ?

                  2014-04-17 6:54 GMT-03:00 Rajat Kosh

                  Hi, Bruno
                  First of all thank you for the information.

                  Secondly, In IDTE the Conversion of FILENAME-->TAG using some other
                  character except "-" is Kind of Buggy so, this will take some time in order
                  to setting all up, for the next version. Also, our team will try our best
                  for achieving this in next releases however, we cannot guarantee in next
                  version of IDTE.

                  Lastly, i will be happy to check-out your code in delphi (English) and
                  also thank you for your suggestions toward IDTE improvement.

                  Status: open
                  Milestone: Minor_Bugs
                  Labels: Wav
                  Created: Mon Apr 14, 2014 06:23 PM UTC by Leo Bruno
                  Last Updated: Tue Apr 15, 2014 04:24 AM UTC
                  Owner: nobody

                  Everytime I Try to remove all v2 tags on wav files I get the same error.

                  "Error Allocating memory".

                  Sent from because you indicated interest in

                  To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

                  "Envelhecer, qualquer animal é capaz. Desenvolver-se é prerrogativa dos
                  seres humanos. Somente uns poucos reivindicam esse direito."




                  Report Bugs: #2

  • Rajat Kosh

    Rajat Kosh - 2014-06-24

    Hello again Leo Bruno.

    New Version of IDTE v2.5 is ready to release and will be here on sourceforge on 25 or 26 of June.

    And Sorry, we are not able to change the FILENAME -> TAG Conversion in this release. However, we are working on it So, there are chances that it will be here on Next releases (Maybe 2.6 or 2.7).

    Meanwhile, Most of the annoying bugs are removed from the IDTE (Including Comment Bug,removing bugs and others..) and many new features are introduced into IDTE. You're gonna love IDTE's new release, till then Wait and enable your automatic updation checking in IDTE because we are testing it brutely for further bugs. we are really excited for releasing this as soon as all the testing is done :)

    • Leo Bruno AKA Leo Burns

      Hi rajat...

      10x for the information !

      Lookinh forward to this new release !

      Em terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2014, Rajat Kosh

      Hello again Leo Bruno.

      New Version of IDTE v2.5 is ready to release and will be here on
      sourceforge on 25 or 26 of June.

      And Sorry, we are not able to change the FILENAME -> TAG Conversion in
      this release. However, we are working on it So, there are chances that it
      will be here on Next releases (Maybe 2.6 or 2.7).

      Meanwhile, Most of the annoying bugs are removed from the IDTE (Including
      Comment Bug,removing bugs and others..) and many new features are
      introduced into IDTE. You're gonna love IDTE's new release, till then Wait
      and enable your automatic updation checking in IDTE because we are testing
      it brutely for further bugs. we are really excited for releasing this as
      soon as all the testing is done :)

      Status: open
      Milestone: Minor_Bugs
      Labels: Wav
      Created: Mon Apr 14, 2014 06:23 PM UTC by Leo Bruno
      Last Updated: Tue Apr 15, 2014 04:24 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Everytime I Try to remove all v2 tags on wav files I get the same error.

      "Error Allocating memory".

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Enviado do meu Iphone.



      Report Bugs: #2

  • Rajat Kosh

    Rajat Kosh - 2014-06-26
    • status: open --> closed

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