
Various Updates Committed

We are constantly adding new features and enhancements to IdMUnit. To get a consolidated up-to-the-minute report, execute a Subversion (SVN) command on the project. For those new to subversion, download and install TortoiseSVN, right click an empty/temporary directory in Windows explorer and checkout the project from the URL below, then once checked out, right click the top level folder and select TortoiseSVN --> Show Log for a report. Here is the SVN URL:

From time to time we'll update the log of changes here:

Revision: 14
Author: bkynaston
Date: 11:05:46 AM, Thursday, February 15, 2007
Now trimming whitespace from db result set data before comparing.
Modified : /src/idmunit-core/org/idmunit/connector/

Revision: 13
Author: bkynaston
Date: 11:04:22 AM, Thursday, February 15, 2007
Now trimming whitespace from db result set data before comparisons.
Modified : /src/idmunit-core/org/idmunit/connector/

Revision: 12
Author: bkynaston
Date: 5:58:15 AM, Thursday, February 15, 2007
Updated to provide support for an LDAP filter in the dn column in order to validateObject on a user that is looked up by LDAP filter. The LDAP filter needs to be applied in the format FILTER,BASE. Example: (cn=testuser1),base=ou=users,o=test
Modified : /src/idmunit-core/org/idmunit/connector/

Revision: 11
Author: bkynaston
Date: 11:51:53 PM, Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Translate the toUpper exception message where a row was not returned by the SQL query (and thus can not be upper-cased) into plain English.
Modified : /src/idmunit-core/org/idmunit/connector/
Modified : /src/idmunit-core/org/idmunit/connector/

Revision: 10
Author: gknutti
Date: 2:52:09 PM, Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Update to .classpath to remove 'bad' character from beginning of first line.
Modified : /src/.classpath

Revision: 9
Author: bkynaston
Date: 2:21:09 PM, Thursday, February 01, 2007
Removed myTests and myProfiles from the classpath specification. These links can be added after the project is downloaded by right-clicking the IdMUnit project properties, Click Java Build Path, then the Source folder. Click "Link Source" and browse to the myProfiles directory, or folder containing idmunit-config.xml. Also Link Source for the myTestse folder that contains the org folder, then idmunit, then the test spreadsheets.
Modified : /src/.classpath

Revision: 8
Author: bkynaston
Date: 2:11:58 PM, Thursday, February 01, 2007

Modified : /myProfiles/idmunit-config.xml

Revision: 7
Author: bkynaston
Date: 2:10:58 PM, Thursday, February 01, 2007

Added : /myTests(Copy from path: /mytests2, Revision, 5
Deleted : /mytests2

Revision: 6
Author: bkynaston
Date: 2:09:58 PM, Thursday, February 01, 2007

Modified : /myProfiles/idmunit-config.xml
Deleted : /mytests

Revision: 5
Author: bkynaston
Date: 2:09:05 PM, Thursday, February 01, 2007

Added : /mytests2(Copy from path: /mytests, Revision, 3

Revision: 4
Author: bkynaston
Date: 2:01:49 PM, Thursday, February 01, 2007
Updated sample classpath file to point to myProfiles and myTests rather than SampleProfiles/SampleTests
Modified : /src/.classpath

Revision: 3
Author: bkynaston
Date: 10:36:47 PM, Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Modified : /src/.classpath

Revision: 2
Author: bkynaston
Date: 10:18:18 PM, Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Open source library from the IBM iSeries JTOpen project, a dependency for iSeries DB2 connections. See for more information.

Posted by Brent Kynaston 2007-02-21

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