
Files will not play at all (ubuntu 16.04)

  • echoplex media

    echoplex media - 2016-06-10

    So we do 24 hours live streaming of local music for our podcast network.

    I want to use IDJC as it reconnects to icecast2 if the connection breaks. However, most of the time the tracks simply won't play. The tracks play in another player (mixxx) with no issues at all.

    Any thoughts? What further info can I provide to help you help me?

  • Stephen Fairchild

    It's a known bug. I suggest you run the latest version. The installation instructions are in the link.

  • echoplex media

    echoplex media - 2016-07-30

    It's a bit of a pain, but it's just my own ignorance. Thanks for the info. I can take it from here.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Well it was myself who messed up by telling my package manager not to manage the Mutagen package becuase I manually installed the most recent version that then became hopelessly out of date and then I made a software change in IDJC that resulted in a bug that I had initially guarded against. So for about a year only most users could not play mp3 files in IDJC and I had no idea.

  • Doranwen

    Doranwen - 2016-08-07

    I have the same issue (used to use Mint 13 and the version of IDJC there had no issues with playing files), and found this thread. I followed the link to the "build your own" and tried to follow the instructions there but am getting rather nervous. For one, I have never built my own package before. Two, when I tried to install the files given for Ubuntu (I'm running Mint 18 but it's Ubuntu-based so Ubuntu instructions are nearly always suitable), I'm getting issues that one of the packages it wants to install (libjack-dev), it says requires libjack0. OK, so I go to see what happens if I want to install libjack0... it wants to remove all of the following: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good:i386 ia32-libs jackd2 jackd2-firewire libasound2-plugins:i386 libfluidsynth1:i386 libjack-jackd2-0
    libjack-jackd2-0:i386 libsdl-mixer1.2:i386

    All that just to be able to install libjack0. I'm a little leery of doing that. Is this really supposed to happen?

    • Stephen Fairchild

      You want libjack-jackd2-dev instead. The instructions as written are appropriate for Ubuntu LTS releases.

      • Doranwen

        Doranwen - 2016-08-08

        Ah. Mint 18 is based on an Ubuntu LTS release but is not Ubuntu itself, so sometimes I've found there are differences.

        ...And I can't stick with Mint 18 after all. Font library issue causing a font I rely on for materials I create online to render with incorrect line spacing, a dealbreaker for me if there ever was one. So I'll be trying the version from Mint 17.3 and seeing if it has the same issue, and if so, trying to figure this out from there.


        Last edit: Doranwen 2016-08-09
  • Doranwen

    Doranwen - 2016-08-08

    OK. I was able to install the rest of the packages but when it checked whether the C compiler worked, I got the answer "no" and so it failed when trying to do the last line of the first set of instructions - the configure CFLAGS one.


    Last edit: Doranwen 2016-08-08
    • Doranwen

      Doranwen - 2016-08-10

      After downgrading to Mint 17.3, I had no trouble following the instructions for libshout-idjc, but when it came to the idjc ones, the compile failed here:

      live_webm_encoder.c:33:33: fatal error: libavutil/timestamp.h: No such file or directory

      Any ideas what to do? I really want to finish getting this to work.

      • Stephen Fairchild

        This will allow you to build...
        ./configure --disable-libav

  • Doranwen

    Doranwen - 2016-08-11

    And apparently following the instructions has now caused my audio to not work anywhere. Now I can't play music in any program; they behave the same way as IDJC did. I was very careful to follow the instructions exactly; can you help me get this back to normal, since you know what they should have done to my computer?

    Edit: This is the paste of the output of the failed compile:


    Last edit: Doranwen 2016-08-11
  • Stephen Fairchild

    Dunno what happened with the audio. Assuming JACK is running it can be shut down with qjackctl. You could check your mixer settings that your audio is not muted. Maybe you uninstalled audio codecs for mp3. I can only guess.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Dunno what happened with the audio. Assuming JACK is running it can be shut down with qjackctl. You could check your mixer settings that your audio is not muted. Maybe you uninstalled audio codecs for mp3. I can only guess.

    • Doranwen

      Doranwen - 2016-08-11

      Hmm, had to install qjackctl as it was not installed. Running it did show JACK running, and I was able to click Stop successfully, but the file still would not play. I didn't uninstall anything - I was watching in case it asked me to - so I should still have everything installed. Do you know which packages I should check to make sure they're still there and working? Also, do you have any idea how to get the compile to finish? All my searching turned up lots of people having compiling issues but none of them with the specific file/s mentioned in the error message I got.

      Edit: When I closed and restarted the program in question (Audacious), this is the error I got: ALSA error: snd_pcm_hw_params failed: Input/output error. This link here seems to have a similar issue (also using Audacious) but I couldn't make heads or tails of the discussion or solution:


      Last edit: Doranwen 2016-08-11
  • Stephen Fairchild

    To test your audio try:
    speaker-test -c 2

    To get IDJC to compile modify the configure step thus:
    ./configure --disable-libav

    • Doranwen

      Doranwen - 2016-08-15

      Sorry for not responding earlier; had a guest this weekend and it left me with little time to touch the computer. I'll have to try that again sometime if I ever try upgrading - I had to downgrade on Thursday for other (non-related) issues I had with Mint 17.3 (and Mint 18) that were not resolvable in any way, so I'm back to Mint 13 where IDJC works beautifully. (I'm still trying to figure out how to get the stream to work on my work computer as it seems to be blocked somehow, but that's entirely a different issue.) Thanks for trying to help.

  • echoplex media

    echoplex media - 2016-09-30

    I had some serious problems installing from source in ubuntu mate 16.04. I installed every dependency in the list and the thing still would not build for me. I am not super proficient at building from source yet, but I am pretty good at following instructions.

    Is a newer version of this in the repositories for another linux distro? The machine it is on is an appliance that only does idjc, so using another distro wouldn't bother me.


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