
Audio won't play

  • Yan Thériault

    Yan Thériault - 2016-10-16

    In short. Any audio I put in IDJC won't play. just nothing. The scroll bar doesn't even move.

    I've been running IDJC for over 7 years now. I had the same setup and config for more than 3 years without updating or touching anything. So I had this 3 y/o version of IDJC running on an old version of Xubuntu. I wanted to refresh my setup so I swiped everything to do a clean install of everything. Bad idea.... I'm a total ignorant when it comes to Linux core stuff. Sorry about that. Is that something someone here can relate or help me fix in an easy fashion?

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Probably an old bug probably best fixed by downgrading to an older version of mutagen. I think version 1.10.1 would be the correct one.

    You can confirm it if you examine console output from trying to play some audio. This bug I am thinking of is mp3 file specific. The console output would look like this:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 2780, in cb_toggle
        self.handle_play_button(widget, widget.get_active())
      File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 1605, in handle_play_button
        if self.player_startup():
      File "/usr/lib/idjc/site-packages/idjc/", line 1711, in player_startup
        self.gain = float(sgain)
    ValueError: could not convert string to float: None
  • Yan Thériault

    Yan Thériault - 2016-10-16

    Thank you very much Stepĥen!! Will make some test on an another machine. Was just too ruhed so I reinstalled all my old "everything".. Xubuntu 14, and an older version of IDJC to get trough this week shows. Will retry next weekend if my "test machine" works fine.


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