Peter Vágner - 2016-03-12

I do have IDJC from git master running on Arch linux system and I'm extremelly hapy about what it does.

What is a bit different with my usage pattern and I haven't found it mentioned here is that I am using my computer with a screen reader (gnome application called orca specifically at this time).
GTK apps are know for good accessibility ever since accessibility on this platform became a serious thing. So IDJC inherited as much accessibility support from GTK as it can.
Given the fact there are usualy several ways to perform specific task within IDJC i.e. use the menu bar, use the keyboard controls or use the toggle buttons on the main window most of the time there is at least one of these methods accessible to me relying on screen reader.
Still there are things which can be improved. I think I can do some simple things in python and I would be happy to receive some hints on how to go about doing this.
Settings window is almost fully accessible to me, sometimes I do need to resort to reading flat review of the window to find out what a particular control does. This can be improved by adding ATK relations to the interactive controls and their labels. Settings window is not used very frequently so this has not highest priority in my list of wishes.
I like the fact there are only a few focusable controls on the main window. Specificaly only the tables with the left and right player playlists are focusable. Each item in these lists can be right clicked and the right click reveals a popup menu. I haven't found a way on how to open this menu using the keyboard. In gtk apps such as nautilus, gedit and loads of others it is possible to inwoke a popup menu by pressing shift+F10 or so called applications key found to the right of the space bar key on most keyboards. I think this is a GTK feature when implemented correctly. I don't know how to implement it yet however this is one of my highest priorities.
Most of the screen space on the main window is occupied by the tabbed area. This is just a hint for others. Pressing ctrl+tab for switching tabs is not working here, however pressing ctrl+alt+page up / ctrl+alt+page down works fine. So this is not an issue.
On the main players below the playlists there are controls for manipulating playlist mode, Fade and where the given player output is feeded into.
Below these there are controls such as Monitor mix, Crossfader and metadata source.
I can manipulate most of these controls by binding keyboard shortcuts through the preferences window. I do havea way for reading their state on demand but I do again have to read flat review of the window where I have to read through all the text and buttons displayed on the window, so it's not very practical. Instead it would be more usefull being able to query this on demand. Another possibility is to just hear the music in my headphones, but this is not either something that is 100 % predictable all the time. Making all these buttons focusable would not be a very practical for me so instead I'm just thinking loudly, perhaps it would be nice to try to create something like controls menu in the menubar what would duplicate all these things. Checkable menu items would be usefull to convey the toggle state of the controls supporting such a state where it makes sense.
The same applies to some of the controls found below the tabbed area i.e. channels controls. I can manipulate these using the key bindings though.
Most difficult part for me are the effects players on the Effects tab I don't know how to assign sound files to individual effect slots. Can this be manipulated using keyboard alone or is there a way on how to do this?

I don't want to sound too demanding at the first place I mainly wish to say that even in the current form IDJC is extremely accessible. There are many visually disabled people who like to do radio shows as a hobby and even there are a few blind individuals doing this thing profesionally. I would say IDJC and Mixxx are the most accessible apps in this category.
And If you know how things are working and how to possibly enhance the bits I am looking for above, then I would appreciate any hints, feature proposals or other improvements.

Thank you!

