
bad feelings, but high expectatives

  • emerson concalvez

    I trait to use IDJC for the last five years, I could never make it work
    because jack has always been gibberish to me
    Now with Cadence, and Catia I'll trait again
    but the disappointment has been the same.
    I no longer look for a program that allows me a streaming audio stream, I look for that I can put plugins in the voice input, and in the music input without one having to do anything with the other, but for that I must know which ports they are for everything, and I have not found that information
    In addition, you open the ports in IDJC and a dropdown opens with thirty ports in each of the dropdowns, impossible to clarify. With how easy it would be to name each one, not just I-R.
    What is on the network has nothing to do with the program that I installed a week ago so you try, you lose time, you win too, and you leave it, of course you are not going to recommend something to anyone that you have not been able to make work.
    Total: where do I put the input of a voice equalizer ?, and where do I connect the output? as?
    welcome suggestions

  • Stephen Fairchild

    where do I put the input of a voice equalizer ?

    Since I do not know which voice equalizer you are using so I will use jack-rack in this example and assuming you want it running directly from the microphone...

    Open jack-rack, an effects plugin application.
    Open patchage, a program for making connections in jack.
    If either of these is not installed then install them.

    See the link for a screenshot of how to make the connections.

    system:capture is your microphone audio it goes to jack-rack then jack-rack output goes to the channel inputs of idjc.

    Next configure jack-rack in the application menu: Rack->Add and pick a plug-in. If your desired plug-in is missing you will want to install a "ladspa plugin".
    You can get a list of the installed plugins by typing "listplugins" in a console.
    There is a package called FIL-plugins that has a four band equalizer so make sure to install that one . Then Rack->Add->Uncategorized->4->4-band parametric filter.

    The above instructions apply only if your system is configured for the English language so translate accordingly.

    tl;dr: it's a bit complicated.


    Last edit: Stephen Fairchild 2020-05-30
  • Moonbase

    Moonbase - 2021-02-05

    I agree, getting JACK2 up and running is one of the hardest parts with Linux—but totally worth it. It has quite a steep learning curve, but is manageable, even together with Pulseaudio.

    You get the benefit of professional audio processing, lots of great applications, and once you got around how to throw your "virtual audio cables", it is so much better than everything else!
    Hint: Get Patchage or Carla installed and you’ve got a nice virtual patchbay.

    I even use a modified Pulseaudio, start my jackd automatically when the system starts, so I get best of both worlds. Without ever having to fiddle with things like Qjackctl. And getting full MIDI support (I use a KORG nanoPAD2 as an IDJC MIDI input controller).


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