
Cannot see whole screen - display settings

  • Kyle Rickards

    Kyle Rickards - 2021-09-07


    So I have gotten a very old netbook gifted to me and I wondered whether I would be able to install and run IDJC on it - amazingly it works, However, the netbook screen has a max resolution of 1024x600 and when I open IDJC, I cannot see the full screen of the programme so I could effectively broadcast live - is there anything I could change please so I could see the full thing on the netbook and broadcast? I don't mind if it looks small as I'm used to where everything is laid out, I just need to be able to get to it.

    Thank you

  • Harry Franklin

    Harry Franklin - 2022-11-01

    I too am looking for a solution to this, my screen is missing the bottom of the app, I am at a resolution of 1200x1024 and it looks like I need about 20 more pixels!

    • Stephen Fairchild

      Changes were made in a fairly recent version that resulted in the main window minimum size being reduced.

      Also in Preferences->General->History Window Relative Size this should be set to a low(ish) number to achieve the smallest main window size. In my case about 720 pixels including the window decorations.

      • Kyle Rickards

        Kyle Rickards - 2022-11-06


        How would i tell if i need to build the new version pkease? ive also been affected by scren size and not being able to get to various boxes

        • Stephen Fairchild

          Is this about the netbook for if so the main window still won't fit. On the other hand I just checked what it looks like in 1024x768 and the main window fits on the screen. The output window is usable so long as at least one of the expanders is collapsed. This test was done with the repository version but the latest official release will probably appear the same size.

          In summary, if your screen is at least 768 pixels high and you are struggling then upgrading will help.

          • Kyle Rickards

            Kyle Rickards - 2022-11-06

            Many thanks Stephen

          • Kyle Rickards

            Kyle Rickards - 2022-11-06

            Many thanks Stephen


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