
The overhaul of former Effects players

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Recently the Effects players got renamed to Mini Players so they are now correctly described. It is also great that there are more of them though extra pages of them would be even better.

    The repeat button now does so much more. Effects can be chained so you only have to start the top one of a chain to get the ball rolling and you can set the last of a chain to start a main player when it is done playing.

    Planning to add copy on drag with the shift key modifier within the Mini Players tab. The default drag and drop behavior is to exchange the player settings.

    Planning to add control key + drag and drop from mini to main player to add playlist controls that are mini player triggers. This should be a lot more intuitive than it is easy to explain. The traditional way of adding playlist controls would require a very big list in the context menu--would not want to have to pick from 36 items without context.

    Anyway the purpose of this thread is to obtain feedback. Comment below.

    • Brian Millham

      Brian Millham - 2023-10-16

      I tried the branch a few days ago and it's looking interesting. One comment, you can't clone a new copy of the repo and switch to the feat/sequence branch and build. Make will fail.
      I got it working by switching back to master, running bootstrap/configure/make and then switch to feat/sequence and make install.

      I will test the latest commit tomorrow (my time) evening.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    I feel like I have achieved what I wanted to with the Mini Players.

    Player controls can be dragged from mini to main players by holding down the CTRL key during drag from the config icon to main player window. Use the standard trick of hovering over the notebook tab that you want to switch to.

    Mini player copy on drag is implemented when CTRL key is held down and the recipient player is unconfigured.

    Caveat 1: only mini players in the currently selected page can play so switching the page will stop whatever is playing.

    Caveat 2: a mini player player control can result in a page switch meanwhile the F key bindings are mapped to players on the currently selected page changing what the F keys will play. I really don't like this but it can be worked around by arranging the first few players to be configured the same on each page.

    Something else I don't like is the increased application launch time.

  • Brian Millham

    Brian Millham - 2023-10-28

    I love the multiple pages of mini players. One small thing to add: a key binding to switch the active page.

    Something that would be real useful for me (I think I've mentioned this before) is a playlist mode that is a hybrid of play all and cue up. For me that would mean basically the play all mode, but instead of automatically playing the next in the list (if there is no control) then just stopping and auto selecting the next track. So act like cue up mode unless there is a control.

    I like the idea of how the mini players work, but since I use cue up I can't really make use of the linking feature and I could make use of it if it would work in cue up mode.

    • Brian Millham

      Brian Millham - 2023-10-28

      I had another thought as I'm playing more with this: Having a monitor event that fires then the mini player page is changed would me nice.

  • Brian Millham

    Brian Millham - 2023-11-02

    I think I have found a bug with the new miniplayer.

    I thought in the past that if I had a background track that it would mute when the effects player was active just like when a regular track was playing.

    With the mini player this no longer happens, the background track is not muted so is mixed with what the playing in a mini player.

    This happens when using Cue Up mode.

    • Brian Millham

      Brian Millham - 2023-11-16

      I take back the bug. It appears to be a problem with qpwgraph making apparently random connections. I didn't notice it when the problem started but yesterday I saw all kinds of connections that were wrong and I could not fix them until I shut down qpwgraph.


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