
Feature Request: Total time to finish playlist

  • Brian Millham

    Brian Millham - 2022-02-08

    Since you are working on major improvements, I thought I'd toss out an idea that I'd like to see.
    I normally use the 'Cue Up' mode of IDJC. When in that mode at the bottom of each playlist a Block Size and Finish time is shown. That's helpful, but when I'm doing a show I tend to add/delete tracks during the show (listener requests).
    It would help me if there was a field that showed the combined time of PL1 & PL2 and the estimated finish time. I'm not sure exactly where to put the info. Maybe the center volume control bar could be shortened and the new info just below that, lining up with the current BS/F times?

    Thanks for all you do, and the new changes are looking good here so far!

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Not sure where to put that info either.

    Just fixed a bug that the times were not updating when the player was stopped and the playlist was in manual or cue-up (play-all working as intended) so at the very least you drew my eye to another bug.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Just added it. Set an environment variable to see the new feature.

    export BMillham="1"

    Then run IDJC. In the preferences is the option to activate the new feature.

    • Brian Millham

      Brian Millham - 2022-02-12

      Tested, and I like it. But.. it seems that I can't resize the window anymore. I can on the sides, but the height seems to be fixed.

      • Brian Millham

        Brian Millham - 2022-02-12

        Hmm, if I create a new profile, all works fine, so the problem seems to be with an existing profile.

        • Brian Millham

          Brian Millham - 2022-02-12

          Found the problem, it's the 'History Window Relative Size' setting. It was set to max (24). Reduced it to 20 and all is good again.

  • Brian Millham

    Brian Millham - 2022-02-12

    As I'm playing with this, I have a couple of ideas. First, I could care less about seconds. So just HH:MM would be good for me.

    And as to placement, how about in the bar where we show playing effects? Fixed to the right side.

    It's fine where it is, but I'm just thinking of ways to consolidate. There is enough room on the right side of the top bar to add that info, so no more space used.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    The information pertains to the main players so it belongs in the main players tab. Things come and go in the effects tab adjunct depending on if that tab is selected or not and whether the contents are docked. In other words its a hive of code activity as it stands (making it a pain to work there) and use thereat ought to relate to effects only.

    So with that said it is updated and due to some renaming of variables and stuff will need to be re-enabled in the preferences.

    Should neither playlist have a finish time the combined time will now show as N/A.

    • Brian Millham

      Brian Millham - 2022-02-12

      I like how you did the latest version. Perfect!

      Thank you much,


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