
#104 Unable to set shoutcast login name setting

v1.0 (example)
shoutcast (1)
murat tom


I'm trying to select shoutcast login name is grey, and I can't edit, I'm going to Icecast for edit and back on shoutcast master for edit, and this is not working, if I save It back to login name (source) by default, doesn't save anything.

1 Attachments


  • Stephen Fairchild

    IDJC only supports the version 1 protocol when connecting to Shoutcast servers and as a consequence there is no login name, just a password.

    Since you have been given a login name as part of the login credentials this means either you are connecting to a mis-sold Icecast server (this is actually a thing) or you are out of luck regarding the use of IDJC.

    I would advise at least trying to connect with Icecast as the server type in case it really is an Icecast server at the other end.

  • murat tom

    murat tom - 2021-04-24
    ` yay  -Sy idjc
    [sudo] password for iroh: 
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
     core is up to date
     extra is up to date
     community is up to date
     spookyrepo             32.1 KiB   765 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
     spooky_aur              6.1 KiB  0.00   B/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
     multilib is up to date
    :: There are 2 providers available for idjc:
    :: Repository AUR
        1) idjc 2) idjc-git 
    Enter a number (default=1): 2
    :: Checking for conflicts...
    :: Checking for inner conflicts...
    Package conflicts found:
     -> Installing libshout-idjc-git will remove: libshout-idjc
     -> Conflicting packages will have to be confirmed manually
    [Aur:2]  libshout-idjc-git-898.4b1539c-1  idjc-git-0.9.0.r8.332e11b-1
      2 libshout-idjc-git                        (Build Files Exist)
      1 idjc-git                                 (Build Files Exist)
    ==> Packages to cleanBuild?
    ==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
    ==> n
    :: PKGBUILD up to date, Skipping (1/2): idjc-git
    :: PKGBUILD up to date, Skipping (2/2): libshout-idjc-git
      2 libshout-idjc-git                        (Build Files Exist)
      1 idjc-git                                 (Build Files Exist)
    ==> Diffs to show?
    ==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
    ==> n
    :: (1/2) Parsing SRCINFO: libshout-idjc-git
    :: (2/2) Parsing SRCINFO: idjc-git
    ==> Making package: libshout-idjc-git 898.4b1539c-1 (Sat 24 Apr 2021 05:43:17 PM CEST)
    ==> Retrieving sources...
      -> Updating libshout-idjc git repo...
    Fetching origin
    ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
        libshout-idjc ... Skipped
    ==> Making package: idjc-git 0.9.0.r8.332e11b-1 (Sat 24 Apr 2021 05:43:25 PM CEST)
    ==> Retrieving sources...
      -> Updating idjc git repo...
    Fetching origin
    ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
        idjc ... Skipped
    ==> Making package: libshout-idjc-git 898.4b1539c-1 (Sat 24 Apr 2021 05:43:31 PM CEST)
    ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
    ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving sources...
      -> Updating libshout-idjc git repo...
    Fetching origin
    ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
        libshout-idjc ... Skipped
    ==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
    ==> Extracting sources...
      -> Creating working copy of libshout-idjc git repo...
    Cloning into 'libshout-idjc'...
    ==> Starting prepare()...
    sed: can't read src/tls.c: No such file or directory
    ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().
    error making: libshout-idjc-git`

    I install libshout from community package but maybe I need to recompile the package on my archlinux ? because the libshout from aur can't be compiled he don't found when I want to installll, this can't found the libshout-git here : but for me I have now this problem : Encoder Format Not Set / Compatible .
    Is this about lame mp3 ; or liblame ? Thank you for support.


    Last edit: murat tom 2021-04-24
    • Stephen Fairchild

      User error since you didn't specify the encoder settings.

      Next to the Connection tab where you entered the server details is another called Format. Click there and fill in the details like this...
      MPEG > MP3 > V 1 > 44100 Hz... and so on as you have been specified to do by whoever gave you the login details. When you are done the Capabilities frame will no longer be grayed out. If uncertain about a setting just click > to accept the default value.

  • murat tom

    murat tom - 2021-04-26

    hi ! this answer, solved my request bug. thank you. notes: the connection tab, is not accessibility, because some choice is Hidden. or like the settings is confused. but it work now. sorry for inconveniances.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    • status: open --> closed

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