
Idioskopos 0.4.1 released

This release features improved documentation, a few new
features and a little code cleanup. The constructors of
introspectable objects and properties now have an optional
slot that, if provided, will automatically connect to the
changed signal. Because of this change, the ordering of the
construction parameters has changed from a
container-name-value sequence to name-value-container.

2007-01-10 Rick L Vinyard Jr <>
===== 0.4.1 =====

Improved documentation a bit

Renamed xml_*_factory() methods to xml_*_factory_create()

Moved idioskopos.h to header include root directory

Added an optional changed signal callback slot to constructors.

Changed ordering of constructors from container, name, value to
name, value, container to avoid template issues with new callback

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2007-01-11

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