
idioskopos / News: Recent posts

Idioskopos 0.4.1 released

This release features improved documentation, a few new
features and a little code cleanup. The constructors of
introspectable objects and properties now have an optional
slot that, if provided, will automatically connect to the
changed signal. Because of this change, the ordering of the
construction parameters has changed from a
container-name-value sequence to name-value-container.

2007-01-10 Rick L Vinyard Jr <>
===== 0.4.1 =====... read more

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2007-01-11

Idioskopos 0.4.0 released

This release replaces the Object::iterator that was based
on the std::set iterator with a custom iterator that can be
used with Introspectable as well as vector and array
properties. Several virtual methods have also been removed.

2006-12-08 Rick L Vinyard Jr <>
===== 0.4.0 =====

Removed the is_property(), is_introspectable() and size() virtual methods
from all classes that descend from Object, which is almost everything.... read more

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-12-08

Idioskopos 0.3.3 released

This release fixes a bug in WriteOnlyPropertyBase that prevented compilation on i386.

2006-12-02 Rick L Vinyard Jr <>
===== 0.3.3 =====

WriteOnlyPropertyBase: fix overloaded set_element (size_t caused problems
on i386)

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-12-05

Idioskopos 0.3.2 released

This release adds support for registering and dynamically
creating introspectable properties that are std::vectors or
std::tr1::arrays (or boost::arrays). Also, some of the
convenience macros have been cleaned up and extended in

2006-11-25 Rick L Vinyard Jr <>
===== 0.3.2 ===== incorrectly stated GPL, should be LGPL

Cleaned up the .spec generation file thanks to feedback from Mamoru Tasaka... read more

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-12-01

Idioskopos 0.3.1 Released

This release contains a few improvements and a few changes. The Introspectable class now provides two signals that provide notifications when properties are added to and removed from the class.

2006-11-25 Rick L Vinyard Jr <>
===== 0.3.1 =====

Added registration macro that accepts a registration name different from class

Added xml_dtd() to return DTD for Idioskopos XML... read more

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-11-26

Idioskopos 0.3.0 Released

This release features some major improvements to Idioskopos.

Serialization of introspectable properties has been improved, and support for XML serializations has been added, along with the ability to register Introspectable classes. With registration of classes, object hierarchies can be dynamically created from an XML specification.

Additionally, the Introspectable/Property relationship has been modified placing the names in the Properties themselves, and signal support has been added. ... read more

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-11-20

Idioskopos 0.2.1 Released


Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-11-16

idioskopos 0.2.0 released


Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-05-21

Idioskopos 0.1.14 released


Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-28

Idioskopos 0.1.13 released


Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-27

Idioskopos 0.1.12 Released


Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-12

Idioskopos 0.1.11 Released


Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-11

Idioskopos 0.1.10 Released

Another cleanup release; mainly a rewrite of

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-06

Idioskopos 0.1.9 Released

Long overdue cleanup of et. al.
Docs now install into $prefix/share/doc/{package}-{version}.
Separate doc rpm consolidated into devel rpm.

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-04

Idioskopos 0.1.8 Released

This is a cleanup release. autoconf needed a little more voodoo than a regular AC_CHECK_HEADERS
call to properly. Also, added docs package to .spec file to create separate doc rpm.

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-03

Idioskopos 0.1.7 Released

Mainly just a documentation release.

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-03-01

Idioskopos 0.1.6 Released

Idioskopos 0.1.6 released - removes dependency upon boost library

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-02-22

Idioskopos 0.1.5 Released

Version 0.1.5 released

Posted by Rick L. Vinyard, Jr. 2006-02-22