
idia / News: Recent posts

idia website launched

The idia project website is now up at, along with the stable version of idia 1.0 for perl and php.

Posted by timothy bauscher 2002-02-16

idia 1.0 stable launched

idia 1.0 stable is now available for perl and php. this web script keeps track of a computer's dynamic IP address so you can setup mail, ftp, game, and news servers in a more static way.

Posted by timothy bauscher 2002-02-16

idia 1.0 unstable launched

The first release of idia, version 1.0 (unstable) has been launched for php and perl. This application helps computers with dynamic IP addresses include their current IP address on their website. It is free to the public domain, and is in need of testers.

Posted by timothy bauscher 2002-02-13