
iDesk / News: Recent posts

Idesk 0.7.5 is free!!!

See ChangeLog for more details
Version 0.7.5
* Major bug fixes:
- Problem with the background changer system. This it changes the backgr
ound color and you still have a green background although you don't have anyone
Background instructions in the .ideskrc file. The solution let you can use the B
ackground.Delay option with 0 value to disable the background system (without de
lete nothing more from .ideskrc file). But if you don't have anyone Background i
nstructions, the default value will be 0 anyway. The bug is fixed.
- Problem with startup notification support (option --enable-libsn). The
idesk-0.7.4 chrashes after starting xmms. This bug was reported by Gentoo users
. If you don't have the support for statup notification the program works well.
The bug is fixed.... read more

Posted by FixXxeR 2005-11-18

The new version 0.7.4 is free!!

Many new changes and features in this version. Please test it.

Posted by FixXxeR 2005-09-04

The new stable version 0.7.2 is free!!!

* Regroup the new options in .ideskrc file (for tooltip)
* New feature: new option Background.File for background image (wallpap
er) in .ideskrc file
* Clean up the code
* Fixed the init scripts (automake version problem)
* Minor bug fixes
* Fix the file extension for .idesktop files to .lnk only
* Default file .ideskrc copy from $PREFIX/share/idesk
* Default file default.lnk copy from $PREFIX/share/idesk
and more ...... read more

Posted by FixXxeR 2005-05-09

Version 0.7.1. Minor bug fixes

Version 0.7.1
* Minor bug fixes:
* Fixed the default value for BackColorTip attribute (background color
for tooltip) in Tooltip (don't see the letters)
* Fixed the default value for FillStyle attribute. Now is "None" the
default value instead "FillHLine". Valid values are:
FillInvert, FillHLine, FillVLine and None.

Posted by FixXxeR 2005-02-01

Minor bug fixes

Version 0.7.1
* Minor bug fixes:
* Fixed the default value for BackColorTip attribute (background color
for tooltip) in Tooltip (don't see the letters)
* Fixed the default value for FillStyle attribute. Now is "None" the
default value instead "FillHLine". Valid values are:
FillInvert, FillHLine, FillVLine and None.

Posted by FixXxeR 2005-02-01

Idesk version beta 0.7.0 is ready!!!

The new release is ready.

Posted by FixXxeR 2005-02-01

Bug fixes version

Bug fixes. Font problem (with small fonts) and idesk restarting (displayed an error message).

Posted by FixXxeR 2005-01-06

The new version 0.6 ready!!!!

The version 0.6 have support Imlib2 (Imlib is deprecated). The support for SVG was suppressed because Imlib2 does not support that format and for the libraries of gtk2 are not used (where is gdk-pix-buf), only use Imlim2 and X11/Xlib.
I free the new released next week. Only testing the ultimates details.

Posted by FixXxeR 2004-11-15

I should have done this a while back

So, I apologize. I keep on telling myself that I will work on idesk next winter, and then the summer, and then after that, but it is not happening. So I should have let someone else take over this project a long time ago. I have not been using idesk for the past 6 months and have been very lackluster answering any support questions. Please email me if you have desire to take over the project. It was fun when I was into it, but don't have the motivation anymore.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2004-06-05

Things have been quiet

Well, things have been quiet since the summer. I recently had the chance to work on things more since I was stopped short earlier this summer, but I've gotten the bug to redo alot of the code again. I've done a good bit already, but there are many things I still need to do. The next release (whenever I may get it done) will hopefully fix some of the install problems because it will use the GNU autotools (configue and such). There will be support for both imlib and imlib2, but using imlib2 will give you more features. Also with autotools you will be able to remove SVG support to get rid of the gnome dependencies.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-01-16

Work in progress

Things have been quiet around here for some time. This is an update to let you know that work is progressing for the next release. This will include an overhaul in the graphics handeling (changing from imlib to imlib2) and other assorted features. A possible (far from set in stone) date for the release is a few weeks from now.

Posted by Anonymous 2003-07-24