
Testing IdentityFlow v0.1

To test release 0.1 of IdentityFlow, which is the only stable version, please use the build script from the release download link/box. Use this version instead of the latest version in the release-0_1 as advised in the previous item. Otherwise follow the instructions in "Downloading and Testing IdentityFlow".

Once the war file is built, it can be deployed and run in tomcat (or probably any other application server), by clicking on the IdentityModelWebapp link from the admin screen.

The output on the screen:
is not very interesting. It just demonstrates to us that values have been passed and incremented to the actors involved in the SSO operation.

More interesting, although still pretty obscure for the uninitiated, is the catalina.out log that say exactly what is going on amongst the actors.

Posted by Mark McLaughlin 2009-04-07

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