
#39 STORE Radiobiology and Epidemiology database


STOREDB is a platform for the archiving and sharing of the primary data outputs of all kinds, including epidemiological, from research on low dose radiation. It also provides a directory of bioresources and databases containing information and materials that investigators are willing to share. STORE supports the creation of a low dose radiation research commons.


  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2016-08-05

    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for your submission. I have a couple of quick questions if you have a moment.
    Firstly, I notice that some of the pages link to study using a different URL. ie vs vs

    It would be useful to know if you will support all of these, and which should be the preferred access URL. Also, the 'store_v3' refers to a version of the database? Hopefully changes in database version do not change the record identifiers themselves?

    Finally, if you have a reference publication or a link to some documentation, that would be useful to associate with your entry in our Registry. I didn't really find anything besides what is on the main page. (But no problem if you don't have this in place yet).

    thanks again,



    • Paul Schofield

      Paul Schofield - 2016-08-08

      Dear Nick,

      Thanks for your eagle eye!

      So, STORE has been through several versions to date and has just moved to a platform in a German Federal Government Office which will be its permanent home. We will support all of these URLS, but the first one will be the default, preferred access URL, and will be used from now on. At the moment the database is being populated by a number of “beta” testers but now that it has moved to its permanent home everything will be stable. The accession numbers in the database do not change and we assign DOIs which are similarly invariant.

      We are really just at the main launch point of the database, its having been in development for several years, and so there is no stable support documentation for this final version just yet, this is being developed now that some of our glitches from the move have been ironed out, but will be ready in a few weeks. Similarly with the publication, which has been commissioned by the International Journal of Radiation Biology ( IJRB) . Our hope was to have the database registered for Biosharing as the publication MS went in so that all the details could be included.

      We are fortunate in that the database has the commitment of permanent support from the German Federal Government so that we dont have to worry too much about baseline sustainability.

      Hope this answers your questions! We are trying to do a lot of this at the same time rather than sequentially so we can make a big fuss of the major public launch.

      any more questions do get in touch!



  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2016-08-05
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Nick Juty
    • Collection name: [u'STOREDB', u'STOREDB:'] --> [u"[u'STOREDB', u'STOREDB:']", u"[u'STOREDB', u'STOREDB:']"]
  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2016-08-17

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the update. Apologies I have been out a week on vacation.
    Just a bit more on these:

    If the first is the preferred access URL, does that mean that the identifier is '1040', or that it is 'STUDY1040'. If the latter, can it be lower case 'study'?, or is the 'study' optional? and would STUDY1040 work in the 2nd and 3rd access URLs?

    If the identifier is 1040, then your base preferred access URL is: (which is fine if thats what you support).

    I just want to be certain of the documented identifier for use, since these are the kinds of issues that users will fall foul of in the future....

    Thanks again for your help,



  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2016-09-27

    concluded via email.
    collection here:

  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2016-09-27
    • status: accepted --> closed
    • Collection name: [u"[u'STOREDB', u'STOREDB:']", u"[u'STOREDB', u'STOREDB:']"] --> [u'[u"[u\'STOREDB\', u\'STOREDB:\']", u"[u\'STOREDB\', u\'STOREDB:\']"]', u'[u"[u\'STOREDB\', u\'STOREDB:\']", u"[u\'STOREDB\', u\'STOREDB:\']"]']

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