
ICRadius / News: Recent posts

ICRadius 0.19.0-alpha released

The ICRadius project just released it's latest version, 0.19.0-alpha. This release incorporates many new features and bug fixes. Among the updates are:

- memory leak fixes
- proxy now handles called-station-id realms
- circular MySQL replication
- fixed certain crash causes
- multiple security fixes
- auth/acct split into seperate daemons
- added called-station-id exec handling

As the version numbering indicates, this is an alpha version and should be considered unstable and experimental at the moment. A beta version will be released after a reasonable testing/debugging period.

Posted by Brad Rathbun 2003-08-06

ICRadius project moved to SF

ICRadius made another step forward today with the relocation of the project's home page to SourceForge. This marks the completion of the migration to SourceForge's servers for the entire project.

The old site has been shut down and all traffic is now be directed to the new site. Additionally, the project's last stable release (0.18.1) has been uploaded to SF, added to CVS, and many changes committed. A developer and user mailing list, also hosted by SF, have also been added.... read more

Posted by Brad Rathbun 2003-06-20