
ICQKID2 / News: Recent posts

Released new version - 0.5.2 !

New version of ICQKid2 library available!
A few changes and bugfixes.
Many new abilities include unicode, status automessages, visible/invisible/ignore lists and many other.

English and Russian documentation updated according to current version and available in <Documentation section> and in source archive.
* Packet infrastructure: GNU autoconf infrastructure
* Messages: Added encoding support (UTF-8, UCS-2BE, LOCAL8BIT+CodePage, US-ACSII) for incoming and outgoing messages
Added client-side message acknowledgement - no more "timeout error" from miranda
Away/busy/NA/DND/FFC auto messages selfmanagment and retrieving its from contacts, new callback onIncomingAutoStatusMsg()
Added timestamps (send time) for incoming messages, it's very useful for offline messages!
* Contact list: Added online_since and idle_since fields to SSIUINEntry
Added new online statuses evil/depression/home/work/lunch, thanks to 3dEyes
* Error processing: Error processing when connection failed - ICQKid2::connect_error_code (CONN_ERR_* in icqkid2_constants.h) and ICQKid2::connect_error_url
SignOff processing by ICQKid2::onSingOff() callback
* Privacy: Visiblity modes now available getMyPrivacyStatus()/setMyPrivacyStatus(),
lists managment addVisible()/removeVisible(), addInvisible()/removeInvisible(), addIgnore()/removeIgnore(), VisibleList/InvisibleList/IgnoreList vectors
* Bugfixes: fixed errors during add contacts/groups/icon, improved updating groups content.

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2007-02-10

Bugfixed version 0.5.1 published

Lets say "thanks" to Qulix for bug report.
Now fixed xStatus requesting, and callback onXstatusChanged() raises properly.

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2007-01-11

Released new version - 0.5.0 !

Today I released new wersion - 0.5.0. There are many bugfixes and useful new methods include xStatus and avatars management!
Documentation on english and russian was updated according changes, you can see it in "documentation" section of this site and into the archive in the "doc" folder.
* Bugfixes: fixed hangs during doConnect, fixed cutting SSI-list to ~90 contacts, fixed error during offline mesages downloading, fixed ignoring service packets on msg-channel 4, fixed searchByMail
* Removed: searchByDetails
* Added avatars/icons service: getBuddyIcon, downloadMyIcon, uploadMyIcon, deleteMyIcon
* Added XtraZxStatus management: setXStatus, onXstatusChanged
* Added SSI transaction-based methods: addContacts, removeContacts, renameContacts, class SSITransactContact
* Added FULL info management: getFullUserInfo, publicMyInfo
* Added new search methods: searchByUIN, searchByWhitePages
* Added UIN management: registerNewUIN, changePassword
* Added new proxy types: SOCKS4 and SOCKS5
* Improved security: now authenticate with MD5, no more XOR-roasted passwords
* Service: Added keep-alive packets sending every 60 secs, it prevents from server-side disconnect

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2007-01-06

Documentation updated

English and russian documentation were updated according to version alpha-4.0. You can find it in section <Documentation>.

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2005-12-07

Released new version of LibICQKID2 - alpha 4.0

Added search methods:

Added buddy list managment:

Added mini-type-notification managment:

Expanded structures:

Added network tuning methods:

Added manual event polling (without mainLoop) methods:

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2005-12-07

English and russian documentation released

In <Docs> section you can find API guide for ICQKID2 library on russian and english languages.

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2005-11-18

First release published

Today I released first resource pack on SF - ICQKID2 library alpha 3.2, also cool screenshot was added :)

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2005-11-17

SF project created, now we can use it!

Today I received submit for my project creation request, and now I have project page on SF. I'm going to release icqkid2 library source packs and create page on in future.

Posted by Alexander S. Salieff 2005-11-17