
ViewMonkey / News: Recent posts

RCP (Yeah You Know Me)

Started reworking ViewMonkey as an Eclipse RCP. They're doing some Eclipse plugin work at the office, and I'm pretty interested in that, not to mention JFace, so I'm digging in.

Going forward, this will probably be where main dev goes. The Swing implementation was something pretty rough that I crapped out over a weekend to get something functional enough for my needs. It's pretty buggy. I'm taking things slower this time and it seems to be paying off. RCP provides a lot of nice framework that I don't have to reinvent, which is nice... still digging in and learning, so we'll see how it pays off.

Posted by Billy Flanagan 2006-05-13


Put up an initial downloadable version of ViewMonkey. This is still VERY pre-alpha stuff, but I've knocked out a few problems and done some minor refactoring recently, and with the new year, it seemed as good a time as any to try out the file release system.

Pretty rough around the edges, lots of test code still hanging out, and the table has some serious problems that I'm working on, but it's there. Caveat emptor or something.

Posted by Billy Flanagan 2006-01-01

The name is dead...

... long live the name!

Changed the project's name to ViewMonkey. Code has been changed to reflect the new name. A new screenshot should be forthcoming.

Finally, a name I don't have to mumble!

Posted by Billy Flanagan 2005-08-05

Changes in the wind

Considering changing the license. To be honest, I could care less what license this is released under. I'm considering adopting the Apache Public License as part of merging projects with a friend. My main concern with licensing is that I don't want my license to turn anyone off from using or contributing to the project. I hear GPL is a turn off for many users because it doesn't play nicely with other licenses. Does APL work better and elicit a less negative response? Does anyone even care, since I haven't released any files yet, and thus don't have any users?... read more

Posted by Billy Flanagan 2005-05-28

JDK 1.5, etc.

Checked in some code that's JDK 1.5 specific today. ICPr0n will no longer run on earlier releases of the JDK. Code continues to stabilize. Will probably release code at some point in the relatively near future (though with kids and work, that still may be a few months away).

Posted by Billy Flanagan 2005-05-17