
using icmp4j on Android development

  • Dekker

    Dekker - 2014-12-12

    Hello ! Please explain me can i use this lib in Android development ?

  • Sal Ingrilli

    Sal Ingrilli - 2014-12-12

    I never tested this on Android, but am willing to work on it if you are.

    1. What is the manufacturer/version of your android
    2. What is the output of this Java line?
      final String osName = System.getProperty ("");
    3. What's the output of this shell command?
  • Dekker

    Dekker - 2014-12-12

    I have tested this lib on android 2.3.3(Samsung S6802) and on the android virtual device. Under Windows 7 (I mean on desktop all works very good) under android when i try run your example that you show on your site I have an exception 'NoClassDefFoundError' or this lib can not run under your device Eclipse ADT write something that native function can not run on this device....if you have any questions please wrote me to ICQ:374898937 or E-MAIL:


    Last edit: Dekker 2014-12-12
  • Sal Ingrilli

    Sal Ingrilli - 2014-12-12

    Can you answer the questions I asked in my previous post?

  • Dekker

    Dekker - 2014-12-13

    1.Android 2.3.3 (Samsung S6802)
    2.Android 2.3.3
    3.I can not start an application I had an exception NoClassDefFoundError

  • Sal Ingrilli

    Sal Ingrilli - 2014-12-13

    Thank you.
    On #3, I would like for you to run the android shell app (not icmp4j).
    From the shell, execute "/system/bin/ping", and then post the output as text or image. I am looking for the exact output, so if you can, upload both a screenshot and the text output.

  • Dekker

    Dekker - 2014-12-13

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=237
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=237
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=237


    Last edit: Dekker 2014-12-13
  • Sal Ingrilli

    Sal Ingrilli - 2014-12-16

    Here is what I know so far:
    1. The current version of icmp4j will not work on Android
    2. I think I can get it to work but I would like to know that that work will be used

    I think I can have something for you after the weekend.
    Does that work for you?

    Also, if other problems arise, are you available to work on them together?

  • Dekker

    Dekker - 2014-12-17

    If icmp4j will work with Android platform, it was great, because on android a few lib for getting statistic about net connections, I think your work was perspective. Сourse if some troubles will arise I'll be happy to work with you together...


    Last edit: Dekker 2014-12-17
  • Sal Ingrilli

    Sal Ingrilli - 2014-12-17

    OK - I will let you know when I have something up...

  • Dekker

    Dekker - 2014-12-17


  • Sal Ingrilli

    Sal Ingrilli - 2014-12-24

    I sent you an update to the email address you provided.
    Please let me know how it goes.

  • Dekker

    Dekker - 2014-12-26

    I sent you a letter with my testing results.


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