
IRC Conspiracy Game Engine / News: Recent posts

Project development suspended

Due to us conducting work on other projects, work on this one has largely been stopped, also due to lack of public interest. If there indeed is continued interest in development, please contact us via email.

Posted by dante_2core 2009-04-14

Event system rewritten

I just rewrote the event handling system of the script to contain a lot less lines and offloading all the work to subs, which makes the bot react a lot faster. This is just one work done in a series of optimizations that will take place on the road leading up to 0.4, the first stable release that will be done here.

In between those optimizations I'll put a new option for the game in the code (that was asked for by some people) - One will be able to turn on rigorous votes with a number, making the bot kick anyone who does not vote for the supplied number of votes in a row, thus making everyone having to vote. This changes the character of the game a lot, but can be annoying in situations, and thus I'll make it an option to turn off and on, by default off.... read more

Posted by dante_2core 2008-05-01

Heavy updates on the code

The code is getting more and more mature as work is going on. Recent changes include:

- better trigger support: Distinction is now made between ingame triggers like !vote, that need an exclamation mark, and private/public channel triggers that don't.

- trigger shortcuts: !v for vote, !sg for !startgame, !sv for startvote etc.

- addition of the voteinterval option that makes it possible to set a fix interval of votes being started in a game (use !help voteinterval for more help)... read more

Posted by dante_2core 2008-04-22

Project webpage finally goes online

The ICGE webpage is now online. Don't hesitate to give us any kind of feedback.

Posted by DcMaStEr 2008-04-18

Code Cleanups, Feature additions

I've just added quite a bit of code to the script, further extending the help system and adding some features:
- experimental support for a mystic who can see another one's identity every round

- support for an elder prey, who can only be killed on the second attempt

- change gamemaster support

- leave game support

- nick-changing players are kicked and told to get their old nicks back before re-entering... read more

Posted by dante_2core 2008-04-17

New work being done (060408)

I just added the searchplayer feature, one can now figure out where someone is playing by doing:

!<botnick> searchplayer <playername>

In addition, the syntax changed a bit, now one joins a game by telling the bot !enter <gamenr> instead of the former !join <gamenr>. This was done because lots of new irc users got confused when having to /join the game channel en then !join the game again. This is now a bit more distinct.
Also, !<botname>-icge is no longer needed for triggers outside of the game, as I thought !<botname> does it fine.... read more

Posted by dante_2core 2008-04-06

Updates, Fixes

The code was updated recently to 02-15a, which contains the following changes:

- First special function fully included now
- new games can now be started with the option "votelength=<nr in seconds>" to specify how long votes are going to last.
- when a vote is started, the bot says how long it lasts.
- script now supports spaces in votes, making tab completions that add a space in the end compatible... read more

Posted by dante_2core 2008-03-31

Beta status update

I've added some ~200 lines of code recently, mainly concerning the special function and infrastructure functions, such as logging both game-specific and main client data. Initial support for listing players playing in a certain game was added too. Features being worked on right now are player search so one can find out where his buddies are playing - and a function to download logs from the bot after the game.
Current code is on read more

Posted by dante_2core 2008-03-25

New work being done

The first special function, a vicious killer who is able to kill someone else with his last breath, is being integrated into the script right now. Completion of the code for it is almost done, though extensive debugging will have to take place to make it work flawlessly.

New functions such as a gamelist and the opportunity for players to browse the games being played right now are in the works and will be added soon, too.... read more

Posted by dante_2core 2008-03-23

Early Beta added

I just added a snapshot of the icge server script to the downloads section. basic gameplay should work, further beta testing is now done to squeeze the bugs out.
after we've stabilized that beta, we're going to go on with extending the features.
enjoy, greets dante

Posted by dante_2core 2008-03-05

subdomains registered

I and blackdog just registered and

The pastebin domain is the place where we're exchanging bits of code, for the interested people.

The blog was registered mainly that the domain is reserved, in case we're going to use it more frequently, and because the domain is more easily memorable and shorter than the news page here.
We also added an email address,, for the same reason. If we will use them or the tools Sourceforge gives us is still open, though.

Posted by dante_2core 2008-02-10

New dev goals, more specific plans

Next features we decided to implement:
- Some themeability to be added in the next versions
- Excessive beta testing
- Add new special functions
- Game option support

Posted by dante_2core 2008-01-28

Project launch, webpage in the works

We're happy to announce that we're now officially working at the ICGE script, the working beta now being improved and enhanced further.
The other admins working at the project will be added soon.
Initial release made on the page, numbered beta-0.2.5 - not intended for end-users yet.

Posted by dante_2core 2008-01-19