
why IceTrack

  • Alessio Lai

    Alessio Lai - 2011-02-23

    Because my company use birt , and we need excel output.

    Birt emitter is ok , but it doesn't support binary output nor 2007 format.
    This was ok with excel 2003 , but with the introduction of Excel 2007 every time I open a fake .xls file , it give me a warn about the incorrect file format (xml instead binary).

    So later we tried tribix , but we abandoned it soon because of the poor performances (memory and cpu) , at least in Tribix for 2.2.2 series (we use birt 2.2.2).

    So I've started a new excel emitter project with this goals :

    1) Native output
              1.a) binary for 2003
              1.b)  Microsoft Office Xml for 2007 and uppers
    2)  Performance comparable to prototype xls emitter
    3) Layout not cluttered : compromise between wysiwyg and usability , a xls is not for print only , i should pivot and work easily on the data.
    4) Image support
    5) Page break pagination support

    Currently IceTrack supports 1.a,2,3,4,5

  • Jie Li

    Jie Li - 2011-05-13

    Hello Lai,

    now i also meet such the issue that the excel output of birt is not formatted as MS XLS format..  and i'm interesting with your ice track jar.. but i can't any documents and api for it. could u please let me know more??

  • Jie Li

    Jie Li - 2011-05-13

    Many Thanks…

  • Alessio Lai

    Alessio Lai - 2011-05-18

    HEllo , I apologize for the latency of my response.

    Actually I've released only an emitter for birt 2.2.2 versions , and it works well.
    The emitter isn't compatible with birt 2.3.2 , I think , and in the near futur I'll develop versions also for birt older than 2.2.2.
    I'll also release some documentation for install and deploy it .
    In the simplest case , you should only place the jar file in the birt plugins directory.

    At the next start ,xls extension should be visible.  (you can also try this with birt rcp designer)


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