
Tree [8f6563] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 _production 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 hardware 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 locale 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 software 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 templates 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 timespan 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 COPYING.TXT 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 INSTALL.TXT 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 LICENSE.TXT 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 README.TXT 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82) 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82) 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82) 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 initial_data.json 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82) 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82) 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82) 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)
 svn-changelist.txt 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82) 2012-07-11 Jan Papež (honyczek) Jan Papež (honyczek) [8f6563] initial commit of TimeSpan (SVN revision 82)

Read Me

Ice Coral - TimeSpan
What is Ice Coral project?
  Ice Coral is intended to take place as Information System for InfraStructure (ISIS). This project should be central information evidence about your network infrastructure. It's planned as modular system, so you can use only one part of this system, if you want.

What TimeSpan module introduces?
  This part of Ice Coral project is place, where you can evidence events for your devices. Primarily it can be useful for technology service (eg. IT administrators) teams. In TimeSpan they can make an evidence of scheduled tasks.

How much it costs?
  This project is free, it costs only your time.
Who is an author?
  Jan Papež <>