
REALLY back in action..

Got working machine, and a new (refurbished) webcam (Labtec, aka QuickCam Express). The new cam is still of crappy video quality, but much faster, and hence, less of a b*tch to code for. iCam2 v1.03 still seems to work, and I haven't made any real code mods to the core of it yet, but I have implemented MPEG video recording using libfame. It's pretty slick -- I'm just not sure precisely how to handle it best. Right now, every frame that gets snapped for the webcam, gets added to the video file (if you choose to create a video), which means you get a sort of time-lapse video. There's no mechanism right now to handle rotating the file or anything, so it grows quite large during a run of iCam2. Restarting iCam2 causes it to overwrite the video file, so that's something else to keep in mind... :)

I'll check all of this into CVS after testing a bit more. I'm tempted to completely scrap the X11 interface -- for the time being -- since I really don't know enough about it to be competent, and rather, I'm good at creating memory leaks. But I'll toy with it a bit, we'll see where we end up.

Posted by Matt Holger 2004-06-02

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