
Unable to create/seal to PCR policy

Zach Smith
  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith - 2016-07-11


    I have the IBM TPM2.0 tools working, but I'm still having difficulty creating a PCR policy and sealing to it. From the documentation it seems as though the steps are:
    TPM2_PolicyPCR (to create policy)
    TPM2_GetRandom (to create key)

    However, I keep getting an error that says my policy which I pass to TPM2_Create is the wrong size. Could you give me an example of how to do this?

    • Ken Goldman

      Ken Goldman - 2016-07-11

      Several ideas:

      1 - The regression tests are a good source for examples. Look at testunseal, around the line that says:

      echo ""
      echo "Seal and Unseal to PCRs"
      echo ""

      2 - For debugging, it's best to use the SW TPM, so you can set breakpoints and view the exact error. Break on TPM2_Create and step from there.

      3 - For this specific error, the policy size has to be the same length as the Name algorithm. My guess is that this is the source of the error.

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith - 2016-07-12


    Thank you for the quick response! I check out testunseal, and I think it really helped me in understanding how to create policies. However, when I follow the steps outlined in the test, and I try the final unseal (which should work), it returns

    unseal: failed, rc 000c2800
    TPM 1.2 response code

    What does this failure/response code mean? I don't see what I'm doing wrong.

    • Ken Goldman

      Ken Goldman - 2016-07-12

      1 - 000c2800 has bits 8:7 = 00, which is indeed a TPM 1.2 return code. See Part 1 Response Code Details. Is this a SW or HW TPM? This may be a bug, but we have to debug.
      2 - If a SW TPM, can you set a breakpoint on the TPM function and determine what's failing?
      3 - If you run in verbose mode and send me the trace off line, I'll look at it.
      4 - Does the regression test pass? If so, what items did you change?


      Last edit: Ken Goldman 2016-07-12
  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith - 2016-07-12
    1. I am attempting to use a HW TPM. However, I checked and the commands do work with the SW TPM.
    2. It works with SW TPM
    3. Below is what running in verbose mode returns:
      TSS_Execute: Command 0000015e marshal
      TSS_Execute_valist: Step 1: initialization
      TSS_Execute_valist: Step 2: authorization 0
      TSS_Execute_valist: session 0 handle 03000000
      TSS_Name_GetAllNames: commandHandleCount 1
      TSS_Name_GetAllNames: commandHandle 0 80000001
      TSS_Name_GetName: Handle 80000001
      TSS_Name_Load: File ./h80000001.bin
      TSS_HmacSession_LoadSession: handle 03000000
      TSS_Execute_valist: Step 3: nonceCaller 03000000
      TSS_Execute_valist: Step 4 HMAC key 03000000
      TSS_HmacSession_SetHmacKey: sessionKey length 0

    TSS_HmacSession_SetHmacKey: preliminary sessionValue length 0

    TSS_HmacSession_SetHmacKey: hmacKey length 0

    TSS_HmacSession_SetHmacKey: sessionValue length 0

    TSS_Execute_valist: Step 5: command encrypt
    TSS_Sessions_GetDecryptSession: Found 0 decrypt sessions
    TSS_Execute_valist: Step 6 calculate HMACs
    TSS_HmacSession_SetHMAC: Step 6 session 03000000
    TSS_HmacSession_SetHMAC: sessionType 01
    TSS_HmacSession_SetHMAC: isPasswordNeeded 00
    TSS_HmacSession_SetHMAC: isAuthValueNeeded 00
    TSS_Execute_valist: Step 7 set command authorizations
    TSS_Execute_valist: Step 8: process the command
    TSS_AuthExecute: Executing TPM2_Unseal
    TSS_Socket_Open: Opening localhost:2321-mssim
    TSS_Socket_SendCommand: TPM2_Unseal
    TSS_Socket_SendCommand length 47
    80 02 00 00 00 2f 00 00 01 5e 80 00 00 01 00 00
    00 1d 03 00 00 00 00 14 9f f7 0f bb 55 f2 90 2e
    fd a7 64 e9 d4 d6 a6 70 7a be 60 08 01 00 00
    TSS_Socket_ReceiveCommand length 10
    80 01 00 00 00 0a 00 0c 28 00
    TSS_Socket_Close: Closing localhost-mssim
    unseal: failed, rc 000c2800
    TPM 1.2 response code

    1. I have been unable to use the reg tests, because attempting to do so returns:
      "checkSuccess: command not found" for each test, and I am not sure how to gain access to this command.
    • Ken Goldman

      Ken Goldman - 2016-07-12

      1 - checkSucess is just a bash function defined in It checks for a success return code and dumps output on error. The tests scripts are meant to be called from, not stand alone.

      Not critical. You should be able to cut and paste the commands from (after creating a primary storage key) onto the command line, removing the redirect to run.out.

      2 - I just tried exactly that with a HW TPM and it worked exactly as with the SW TPM.

      3 - The TPM should never return a TPM 1.2 return code. This feels like a TPM bug. I'd report it to the vendor. If you don't have a TPM vendor contact, send their name to me along with the TPM revision and firmware (from getcap), and I'll pass it on.

      4 - If you send it to them, include the above trace. The command appears well formed.

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith - 2016-07-13
    1. What is the correct method for running these commands with a HW tpm? Currently, I have been using the resourcemgr from the Intel TPM2.0-TSS and starting it to listen on port 2321 (the port these commands use), but I feel like this obviously isn't how it is supposed to be done, I just cannot figure out any other way to have the HW tpm listen to the commands, and I feel as though this may be where my problem is coming from.
    2. I am also confused about the whole process of sealing/unsealing with a policy. It seems as though it is not really secure, because even if I create an object with data and a policy, I can simply unseal the data with no regards to the policy, as long as there is no policySession passed to the unseal command. Is there any way to prevent this and require the policySession to be in place to unseal the data?
    • Ken Goldman

      Ken Goldman - 2016-07-13

      An Intel resource manager! The plot thickens. :-)

      1. I don't support the Intel resource manager. It could very well be that it has a bug. Certainly, something is sending an invalid response code. I don't know if it has trace facitities. If it does, perhaps get a trace and send it to Intel support

      2. There are three ways to easily (documented in the TSS manual 3.4.1 Property Example) connect the IBM TSS to a hardware TPM. In order of complexity

      a) Set the environment variable: setenv TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE dev
      b) In your code: TSS_SetProperty(tssContext, TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE, "dev");
      c) In the makefile: -DTPM_INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFAULT="\"dev\""

      This will direct the TSS to /dev/tpm0. You can change that too.


      Last edit: Ken Goldman 2016-07-13
    • Ken Goldman

      Ken Goldman - 2016-07-13

      When you TPM2_Create() a sealed blob (really, any object), there are two authorization methods, password and policy.

      1. Disable use of a password by not setting the attribute userWithAuth. See Part 2.
      2. Disable use of a policy by setting it to an Empty Policy (zero length).

      If you don't set userWithAuth, you can't run unseal without a policy session.

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith - 2016-07-13

    Thank you! I think I'm finally understanding! But how can I receive/use the commands without using the Intel resource manager? I'm assuming the one for the SW TPM will not work for the commands with the HW TPM.

    • Ken Goldman

      Ken Goldman - 2016-07-13

      Bad asssumption. :-) See this link off the main page.

      The IBM TSS is not "for the SW TPM". It supports as many plaforms, OSes, and TPMs as I can test with.

      Just use one of the 3 methods described above to instruct the TSS to send commands to /dev/tpm0. It should just work.

      • Ken Goldman

        Ken Goldman - 2016-07-13

        In case it's not obvious, the env variable option affects the command line utilities as well. No need to recompile anything.

        • Zach Smith

          Zach Smith - 2016-07-13

          Yeah that seemed to be the problem I was having, I got it working with the env variable :)
          Is there a purpose for having the .bin files for the policy session and the createprimary and create commands? I seem to be able to unseal without the .bin files being in the right spot, but no other commands seem to be hindered by their absence if I remove them.

          • Ken Goldman

            Ken Goldman - 2016-07-14

            1 - I'm glad the env variable worked. In general, if something seems hard, you're probably on the wrong path. This TSS was designed with ease of use as the #1 requirement.

            2 - Does this mean that the TPM 1.2 error code disappeared? If so, it was an Intel bug.

            2 - What bin file are you referring to? If it's the samples in utils/policies, it sets the object policy during "create -pol". It come part of the object. During unseal, the object policy is checked, not the one on disk.

            • Zach Smith

              Zach Smith - 2016-07-14
              1. Yes, the error code is gone! :)
              2. I am referring to the .bin files that are created when I do startauthpolicy or create/createprimary, e.g. h80000000.bin, hp80000000.bin, h03000000.bin. Are these just encrypted object/session blobs? Using strace on the commands, it seems that they are used by the unseal command, but not by other commands besides the ones that create them
              • Ken Goldman

                Ken Goldman - 2016-07-14

                Oh, those. They're TSS temp files. You can change the directory with an env variable. Ignore them, but don't move or delete them. They come and go as you load and flush.

                • Zach Smith

                  Zach Smith - 2016-07-14

                  Is it secure to leave them? Will this compromise the security of the data that I am sealing, or of the policy, in any way?

                  • Ken Goldman

                    Ken Goldman - 2016-07-14

                    See the manual section TPM_ENCRYPT_SESSIONS. Everything else is public state. I retain the state rather than require the application developer to save and load it.

                    I.e., it defaults to working as you want it to, with minimal effort by the application developer.

                    • Zach Smith

                      Zach Smith - 2016-07-14

                      Cool! Thanks for your help!


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