
iaxclient / News: Recent posts

iaxclient 2.1beta3 released

The iaxclient team is pleased to announce the release of iaxclient

This third beta release offers a number of incremental improvements
over the last (2.1beta2) beta release.

- Fixed portmixer to be able to use USB audio input devices.
- Fixed portmixer to better support certain [obscure] USB audio output
- Fixed configure script to better deal with --disable-video and
- Fixes and cleanups to contrib/tcl.
- Updates to README.VisualStudio.
- Added novideo VS2005 configurations for building on Windows without
video support.
- Updated libvidcap.vcproj to use libvidcap-0.2.1 on Windows.
libvidcap-0.2.1 is recommended for Mac and Linux too.
- Numerous fixes to VS2005 projects.
- Add Visual Studio project and solution for iaxcomm.
- Fixes for 'make dist'.
- Fix to make the API function iaxc_version() always defined.... read more

Posted by Peter Grayson 2008-04-07

iaxclient-2.0.0 (final) released

With much pleasure, the iaxclient team announces the release of iaxclient-2.0.0 (final). This release is the culmination of many months and much hard work. We expect the 2.0 branch to be stable and that any new functionality will go into a minor (2.1) release.

This release features:

* Support for real-time video using theora
* New autotools based build system
* Enhanced audio quality with speex 1.2beta1
* Many API simplifications
* And many, many bugfixes... read more

Posted by Peter Grayson 2007-10-05

iaxclient 2.0rc2 released

The iaxclient team is pleased to announce the immediate release of the
second release candidate for iaxclient version 2.0 (iaxclient-2.0rc2).
This release fixes several key issues found in rc1 and is highly
recommended for all previous users of rc1.

* Fixed two stopper build issues on Mac OS X.
* Fixed audio device name issue seen on non-English Windows machines.

Thanks to everyone for their patience with iaxclient and especially to
those who found issues in the first release candidate.... read more

Posted by Peter Grayson 2007-08-28

iaxclient 2.0rc1 released

It is with great pleasure that the iaxclient team announces the first release candidate for iaxclient 2.0 (iaxclient-2.0rc1).

Over the past several months, a number of great improvements have been made to iaxclient including:

* Support for real-time video using theora
* New autotools based build system
* Enhanced audio quality with speex 1.2beta1
* Many API simplifications
* And many, many bugfixes... read more

Posted by Peter Grayson 2007-08-16

First working XP builds

We have our first working, cross platform builds of the iaxclient library, and a small test program using them.

sources are available in CVS, and small test binaries are available on the homepage.

Posted by Steve Kann 2003-05-31

News and mailing list

We're working on developing specs for the underlying library, and simple clients.

Also, we've submitted a request for a mailing list, iaxclient-devel. It should be up within a day or so, so interested parties can discuss development issues.

Posted by Steve Kann 2003-02-18