
iatax / News: Recent posts

Project home page

Project home page opened ! You can access is at !

Posted by AlSim 2004-11-29

v0.2 released

The first 'real' version is released ! The major bugs in 0.2DBE have been corrected and the software is now usable ! Enjoy ...

Posted by AlSim 2004-11-29

v0.2DBE released

The first file released on SourceForge !

In fact this was more to test the upload, but anyway, if you knew the old iatax v0.1, you'll see the difference ! (SDL front-end, no need for $Tr anymore, basic logreader, ...)

This version is very buggy, so if your game fails, send me a copy of the logfile so that I can remove the bug ... or do it yourself if you want !

Good Iatax !

Posted by AlSim 2004-11-22